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What to see in Basilica San Marco - Venice

We are going to reserve entry to the Basilica San Marco. They only allow you 10 minutes through the main part of the Basilica. However, once inside, there are other sites that can be seen, and admission to all of these are paid for separately.

Does anyone have any feedback about the additional sites within the Basilica: San Marco Museum, Treasury, Golden Altarpiece?

It sounds to me like the Golden Altarpiece is worth a look-see, but I'd love to hear some other opinions.

Also, for those who recommend the other sites, how much time would you allot? (We're trying to figure out which timeslot to book for the Basilica entry.)


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453 posts

allow approx 90 minutes minimum for the Doge's Palace; i would put this palace at the top of my list; i've visited it 4 times and still hope to go back and see it soon. Also leave some time to get away from the crowded Saint Mark's square area and soak up the beauty and mystique of Venice in the quieter out of the way neighbourhoods.

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636 posts

Thanks for the input, but I'm just soliciting information on what to do inside the Basilica.

We already have the Secret Itineraries Tour of Doge's Palace booked for earlier in the day. We're just trying to figure out when to book admission into the Basilica, and, in order to do so, we need to know roughly how long we'll want to spend there.

The regular admission to the Basilica is only 10 minutes. But, I'm wondering about the other sights inside the Basilica and, if they're worth seeing, how long to allow.

Thanks again!

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10344 posts

In the Museum are the original horses which legend says are 2300 years old (don't believe it but they're pretty old), you want to see those, the ones now in front are just copies; and from here you get a fine view of the piazza that you don't get from other points. The Golden Altarpiece is a 3-star masterpiece of Gothic art that's over a thousand years old, so that's worth the little bit of extra time, they are comparable to the original horses in touristic value. If you skip any of these, skip the Treasury, it's also worthwhile but is a 1-star attraction (the others are 3-star).How long these take depend on what time of year you are there, in the summer the crowd will slow you down.

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705 posts

Do the Altarpiece - it is quite amazing. Don't expect to spend too much time admiring it though as the steady stream of people will force you past it. Good luck trying to linger but at least give it a try. Also the horses are worth it. Don't bother with the Treasury - I was very disappointed and there were some quite creepy things in it. Try to go about 12.00 or 12.30 (sorry I can't remember exactly what time we went. Maybe check with your hotel or the tourist bureau) as they illuminate the gold ceiling and it gives you a totally different perspective. I'd be surprised if you spent more than an hour there though.

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143 posts

If you don't want to be locked in a certain time, instead of making a reservation you can skip the line by using the backpack checking service just to the left of the basilica (it's hard to describe where it is, but Rick's book has a good map to it). Just drop off your backback, they give you a claim check, then just go the main entance of the basilica, show them the claim check and they let you right in. This little hint alone made Rick's book worthwhile!

Not sure what you mean by them only allowing 10 minutes in the basilica - I visited on my own and pretty leisurely ambled my way through. Lots of groups zipped me but no one hustled me through, so take your time.

Don't skip the museum, it has a balcony with a fabulous overlook of the piazza.

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636 posts

From their website

... respect the silence during your visit that should not last for longer than 10 minutes. This time is sufficient to visit the building and allows to reduce the wait for those that have to get in.