Suggestions for where to visit after spending a morning touring the Domus Aurea in late November. We'll probably be looking for an interesting place to warm up with coffee and a quick hot meal afterwards, and then exploring. Ideas?
A ten-minute walk away is La Taverna dei Fori Imperiali. on Via della Madonna dei Monti. It is not exactly quick, but you will get a fine meal.
Closer is a classic Italian bar, Oppio Caffè. It's only open until 2:00 pm and as it is right across from the Colosseum, the food is not great, but you'll get a reliable coffee and maybe a cornetto.
Personally, I'd enjoy a good Italian lunch at the taverna and relax and warm up. It is cold in the Domus Aurea!
No coffee or meal, but San Clemente is reasonably close by and there are certainly cafes.
I went in February and it was warmer outside in the sunshine than in the excavations. The good thing is that you'll have warm clothes with you, unlike summer visitors. It's not even that cold, but it gets quite humid, so you feel the cold more.
Thanks everyone. San Clemente is a great suggestion but if all goes as planned we'll have been there earlier in the week. Laurel, that sounds like exactly what I'm looking for. I just 'walked there" on google maps and the whole area looks neat to go exploring.