My family is headed to Italy on July 1. Rome, Tuscan hill towns, Lake Garda and Venice. My husband and I have been before, and we know what to wear to look nice and not so touristy. (My husband opts for linen pants and linen shirts with leather sandals and I tend to wear knee-length jersey knit or cotton summer dresses.)
But what should our kids wear? Particularly to dinner? My teenaged son, 16, hates polo shirts and said he'd rather wear jeans than linen pants or cargo pants while at the churches. I'm okay with the jeans. But a T-shirt seems far too casual for dinner time. And while he would wear a long sleeved button-down shirt, it sounds far too hot for July, even with the sleeves rolled up. What shirt style do you suggest? Or is a tshirt and jeans okay at dinner? We aren't going anywhere incredibly fancy, but we will be at plenty of mid-priced restaurants (30-40 euros pp) throughout our vacation.
I thought my 14-year-old stepdaughter would be easier. Capri pants and a short sleeve tshirt for the daytime churches and a cute summer dress for dinner. We found a cute dress for dinner at H&M, but no Capri pants for junior sizes anywhere within two malls! Apparently those are no longer the junior trend. I guess I'll look online. If you know anywhere to look, please share!
My 9-year-old son is easy. I'm buying LL Bean pants that have zip off legs and Tshirts for him. And one patterned linen shirt with a collar for dinners out.
All suggestions are welcome! My biggest stump is figuring out what shirt my 16-year-oldshould wear to dinner.