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What's it like now post-Covid-19 on an international flight?

I haven't travelled internationally since March 2020 but am thinking of going in October to either Italy or Greece.

Having chronic sinusitis makes wearing a face mask uncomfortable and even difficult. (This is one reason I have resisted go back to either of the to the health clubs I belonged to prior to mid-March 2020, when they re-opened with mask restrictions).

So I'm wondering what those who have travelled since Europe began slowly to re-open have found the experience of getting to the airport and going through new security screening measures (hard enough) and then sitting on an airplane (or two) for 9+ hours, changing planes at a second airport, etc.

It does sound like "a new world," different and even arduous for those who find air travel of any kind challenging in terms of logistics and sheer stamina/patience.

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5598 posts

I can't speak for long haul travel but I can detail my recent experience of flying from London to Malaga.

Heathrow was relatively busy at 07:00. I was flying business class so straight through to bag drop however the standard bag drop desks weren't overly busy. Security was via fasttrack and this was only a couple of minutes. Terminal 5 was less busy than normal but not drastically so. I had use of the BA lounge and this was where I first noticed a big difference. Social distancing was in place amongst the seating and there was no self service for food and drinks, instead you ordered via an app using a QR code near your seat. It was a limited menu and once ordered it was delivered fairly swiftly. Masks were required except when eating and drinking.

As I was flying to Spain there was no requirement for proof of vaccination or a negative Covid test although I have proof of vaccination from the NHS app. Nothing different about boarding the flight. Masks were required to be worn at all times except for when eating and drinking. The flight was just under 3 hours which is the longest I've worn a mask and the ear loops started to cause pain behind the ears. I also couldn't read as my glasses kept steaming up. There are masks that do not loop behind your ears so I may consider those in future.

On arrival at Malaga I walked straight to passport control, two agents working and my passport was given a brief glimpse, stamped and I was waved through, all in less than a minute. I was then met by staff who needed to scan the QR code on the Spanish health app that is required to be completed prior to entry into Spain which is essentially a passenger locator form. I then collected my luggage, picked up my rental car and drove to the resort.

All in all it was stress free and well managed. Wearing a mask was the biggest inconvenience and I wouldn't want to wear one on a long haul flight. Considering how long most people were taking to complete their meals and their drinks, masks were probably worn for about half the duration of the flight which does throw into question the usefulness of wearing them.

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172 posts

10 days ago my wife and I flew from Newark to Athens on Emirates Airlines. Everything went smoothly. Emirates agent looked at our vaccination card and the QR code we received by email from Greece after filling out their online travelers location form as well as our passport before issuing our boarding passes. Only took a few minutes. TSA screening was faster than preCovid although I’m sure that depends on the airport and time of day.

Best thing about the flight was that it was only 1/2 full. My wife and I were in aisle seats across from each other and we both had an empty seat next to us. I wore my thinnest most breathable mask and it didn’t bother me as much as I expected. Even slept some.

In Athens extra officials were on hand to check the vaccination cards (or proof of negative test) and QR codes so the customs agents could just do their normal job. Went very quickly.

I notice you are posting from Seattle. We also flew across the USA. We intentionally broke up the trip by visiting friends on the east coast for a few days. Also if you must take a connecting flight I strongly suggest a transfer in the USA to a direct flight to Greece or Italy rather than an international transit that might add another layer of rules.

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2926 posts

We are booked on flight connecting at JFK to go to Italy in August so haven't made that flight yet.

We did fly to Phoenix via Houston last December. This was before vaccinations. We flew with N-95 masks and face shields which I would not be willing to do internationally given the length of an international flight. Our flight and airport time was over 8 hours. One thing that does make a difference though is a break from masks. You can take your mask off if you eat or drink. We had time on way there to find a place to eat and sit very socially distanced at a table (they had removed 1/2 the tables) and have lunch. So if you can find the time to eat or drink at a connecting airport it does make a big difference. You also can remove it to eat or drink on the plane, although before vaccinations we did not.

I am planning to buy some very lightweight masks to fly to Italy.

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2207 posts

Coming from Europe... my wife flew out a few days ago from AMS. Checking in, she had to present her negative Covid test and a completed NL declaration form. At the gate, she was again asked to show her negative test, but not everyone was asked. The 787 had perhaps 50 persons onboard. Masks were required from the time she entered the airport at AMS.

Other than the test, declaration form, mask, and LONGER check-in lines as a result... it was pretty much the standard flight experience. Coming back, NL has now DROPPED their testing requirements for Americans (effective 6/24), so a couple of fewer requirements. Her sense was that the environment was far more restrictive at AMS than it was at EWR or MCO. She returns in a month via ATL and EWR. Other than the mask-wearing - and the fact she has an entire 9-seat row to herself - it was an uneventful flight.

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16733 posts

In the past three months, I've been on 16 flights all domestic. Masks were required in both the terminal and on the planes. There are constant reminders made.

My last few flights were nearly full. Since none of these were meal flights, only snacks, it was suggested you keep the mask on and only lower it to take a bite of food or sip of a drink.

When I needed a "breather" from the mask, I would go to the toilet and take it off for a couple of minutes. (Maybe not the best place but no one would get mad.)

I found the type of mask I wore made a difference. I don't like the disposable ones but have become very comfortable with the ones from Tom Bihn. I got the bigger ones so it seems less suffocating plus they have a neck band that lets it hang from the neck when not in use.

In regard to TSA security, I have Pre-Check but nothing seems to have changed since the pandemic began. Except I keep getting stopped for "random" checks.