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What is the earliest bus from Florence to Siena on a Sunday?

Having trouble finding that information. I know we can take the train but many suggest the bus is as fast and more convenient as it drops you off in town. Correct?

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I took the bus from Florence to Siena last March. The 131R "Rapida" takes an hour and fifteen. Here's the schedule, Lun-Sab is Monday-Saturday (Lunedi-Sabato), Festivo is the Sunday schedule:

You can Google Florence Autostazione and Viale Tozzi, Siena to see where the pickup/dropoff points are. The bus gets very close to the old city center. The train station is down the hill, many, many escalator flights and then a good haul. Oh, and do try to sit on the top level and toward the front of the bus for a birds eye view! Be sure to get in line on the early side if you want to grab those seats. buon viaggio