At home I only have this information in my purse, but when I travel, I also have it in my money belt. I carry it because I have some serious medical conditions that aren't covered by bracelets.
Anything could happen that would render me unable to speak. My purse could become separated from me. I can only hope that someone would think to check for a money belt to identify me and find the emergency information at the same time.
This is the information I include:
My name and mobile phone number.
My husband's name and mobile phone number. He no longer travels overseas with me, but even when he did, we were not together every minute.
The meds and dosages that I take.
My doctors and their phone numbers. That's plural because I have specialists that would need to be contacted in an emergency. Contacting my GP would only delay things.
Recently I added a list of not normal blood test results. I'm going add my blood type. I never thought of that before.
This all may sound silly, but I am 72. One of my illnesses was diagnosed when I was in my early 30's, so age isn't the only reason to be prepared.
Of course I always get travel insurance, especially medical, and I do it as soon as I spend the first money on the trip so that pre-existing conditions will be covered. My coverage information also goes in my purse and money belt.