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western union payments to giancarlo sabini in santa margherita ligure

just wondering what people think about sending a deposit payment through western union for a b&b in santa margherita ligure- is it too risky or common practice? what happens if i get scammed? thanks

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120 posts

I just returned from a trip, and booked my rooms before the fact. I was always given a variety of options on how to reserve the room: either provide a credit card # that would only be used in the event I didn't show, western union, send a check, or the most convenient of all: Paypal.

For a stay in Riomaggiore, I sent CC numbers, with no problems (had to pay in cash). For a stay in Firenze, I used Paypal, and wish more places offered it.

I don't know how Western union works, but if they don't fight for you, I'd ask if sending credit card numbers would be sufficient. You can always contest a CC charge.

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7737 posts

Seems excessive to me. I balk at these requests because I don't want to pay the WU fee. (Have you found out how much the fee is yet?) When I rented an apartment in Rome, I sent a signed personal check as the deposit which the owner held until we checked out. We paid with cash on our arrival. Also, I've seen some places that will accept a signed traveler's check (about the only thing those are good for anymore).

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23692 posts

It is not an uncommon practice to request a deposit to hold reservations. Some of the smaller places are just not set up to accept credit cards or they like the greater security of having cash in hand. So if that is their conditions either accept them or find somewhere else. The last time I encountered this requirement by bank suggested an international bank draft drawn on a local bank. It cost about $25. Send a deposit is not cheap or easy to do.

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8700 posts

There is a way to send a deposit that is both cheap and relatively easy. Set up an account with Money will be taken from your checking account by electronic transfer and a bank draft in the currency of your choice will be sent by US mail directly to the recipient of your choice. The exchange rate is only slightly higher than the international rate on the day the transaction is initiated. There are no fees. For security purposes it takes a little time and effort to set up an account, but everything goes swiftly and smoothly after that.