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Welcome to someone new to the forum

It strikes me that new questioners are usually welcomed to the forum, but new people who answer but don't ask questions are not. I have been very impressed by miuccia's kind, thoughtful, and knowledgeable 122 replies to questions (just since July 8th!). So, welcome, miuccia, you are such an excellent addition to the forum! I look forward to reading more of your answers.

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6455 posts

I agree. I too have appreciated miuccia’s thoughtful and informative comments.

nancy8, thank you for reminding us to be welcoming to all who post here. I do feel miuccia has become a valued member of the Forum community, even though we hadn’t formally acknowledged it.

I feel the same way about Stuart, whose screen name escapes me at the moment, but who has been particularly helpful to those of us with questions about public transportation in England.

Edit to add: Stuart's screen name is isn31c.

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4124 posts

You are correct nancy8, welcome to those new members we give their time and knowledge. It is much appreciated.

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651 posts

Yes Nancy thank you for pointing this out! And agree miuccia’s answers have been very helpful so thank you miuccia for being here!

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17168 posts

Nice post, nancys8. I too have been expressed by miuccia’s kind and helpful contributions, and intended to say so. So I will say it now—-Complimenti! Your posts are very helpful.