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weight gain or loss

In italy have did you gain weight because of all the pasta and wine or lose because of the walking?

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2723 posts

I tend to even out no matter where I travel due to all the walking. Even if I gain a little it seems to be mostly bloat (because I rarely eat sugar at home) that goes away soon after coming home and getting back into a healthier eating routine.

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1761 posts

I gained a pound. My husband lost 4 pounds. FML :)

Posted by
2768 posts

I tend to loose weight or stay the same, despite all the eating and drinking.

At home, I go to the gym and jog a couple miles most days, at a pretty pathetic pace. Outside of the gym I'm fairly sedentary, but not a total slug. I walk around the neighborhood, work in the yard/house, that kind of thing, but my job is generally at a desk.
In Italy or other European trips, I don't go to a gym or jog, but I'll easily walk 8+ miles. In some trips I go hiking, but if I'm in cities and towns, it's just walking all around to different neighborhoods and sights. I suppose that must make up for the pasta, wine, bread, and gelato! It doesn't quite add up, but maybe portions are different? I'm not sure, but I'm not complaining! I don't watch what I eat for calories on vacation, but I do try to have healthier choices like vegetables or salads for health reasons, I just feel better if I'm 70% pasta and gelato, not 100% LOL

Posted by
1321 posts

We see no changes in our weight probably because all the walking but we don't change our eating habits all that much

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28898 posts

I walk less than 7 miles per week at home, on average, and about 7 miles per day when I'm in Europe. If I didn't buy gooey pastries or packages of cookies, I'd definitely lose weight. As it is, I tend to come home at pretty close to the same weight after summer-long trips. Because of the length of my trips, I do make a conscious effort to eat plenty of veggies and avoid most fried foods; it's just that I have a dessert problem.

Posted by
4868 posts

A week on a cruise and then a week in Rome and I lost 6 pounds, despite pasta plus gelato everyday. Walking won.

Posted by
8165 posts

We used to come home a few pounds lighter but in recent years, it’s been no lose or gain. We have gelato every day (sometimes twice!) and enjoy a light lunch & pasta/salad dinner.

What does feel like I’ve lost weight is not wearing having the extra bulk of a money belt around my waist for three weeks.

Posted by
4765 posts

In 2019 I lost 4 pounds during a one-week visit to Italy-and I eat a lot of gelato but I also walk a lot.

Posted by
4765 posts

In 2019 I lost 4 pounds during a one-week visit to Italy-and I eat a lot of gelato but I also walk a lot. At home, I was doing strengthening and conditioning classes 3 days a week but not much walking.

Posted by
847 posts

Amazingly, in over 30 trips to Europe I have come home weighing almost exactly what I weighed when I left. I ate much worse (better) - eg 3 croissant breakfasts, tons of pasta, at least two gelatos a day - but I also walked an average of 9 miles a day, every day.

Posted by
3812 posts

No clue why

Maybe you did not have bacon&eggs for breakfast any day?

Posted by
303 posts

I guess I don't have to worry about wearing pants a little too big. Thanks for all your replies.

Posted by
3359 posts

When I was younger my weight stayed the same. As I get older I need to lose a few pounds when I get home.