Hello Webmaster (and thanks for your work). I have been reading this site for a few months and I've seen plenty of postings from caring people who freely give their invaluable information that can be had only through long experience. Many thanks to all. Believe me, I've learned a lot. There are some, very very few, folks who IMHO respond to nearly every query, often without knowing the answer; but, they go on to add snide, demeaning, lecturing remarks about the query and the poster. It's a free internet so I never would propose to limit openness. But, is there a way for me to block or filter out content from these people so I don't see it, while the rest of the members of the Board sees it? thanks
Otarlidae, The atmosphere on the HelpLine is much more civil and polite than many others, and it's become somewhat of a "community" where members can discuss (and sometimes disagree) on a variety of issues. As you noted it's not a good idea to "limit openness" and narrowly restrict opinions. If the rules become too oppressive, people will simply lose interest and won't bother posting at all as they'll always be worried that they're "breaking the rules". I recently tried another Message Board (not travel-related) and found the atmosphere and rules to be so "stifling" that I've just given up contributing to it. It was necessary in some cases to get a ruling from the Moderators before even posting a reply (a process which took a day or two each time). The easy way to "filter" responses is simply to ignore those replies that you don't like. Cheers!
As far as I know there is no way to "filter out" certain posters. I do know that if you see any problem posts you can report those to the moderator by clicking on the "report guidline violations" just to right of this thread ----> The moderator will respond and take action - a little overzealously, in my opinion, but they will respond.
You have sent your Webmaster request to the Helpline. As far as I am aware the webmaster does not read each message on a regular basis. Comments for the Webmaster can be sent directly through the Contact Us link at the bottom of the main page which can take you to For questions or comments about our website, please send email to our webmaster
There's no filter, but you should definitely report any "snide, demeaning, lecturing remarks about the query and the poster" to the webmaster. Per the rules of this bulletin board, that behavior is unacceptable. (Just click "Contact us" at the bottom of each page.)