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Weather in Venice for September trip

I am traveling to Venice in late September. I know that temperatures in Venice average out to high of 75. I suppose I should make sure I have air conditioning? anyone travel there in late september who can advise on how hot it is at that time?

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209 posts

The most honest answer for any kind of weather question of course is "I don't know...." or "This isn't so useful, but...." hehe!

However, having said that! the summer here already feels a lot warmer than last summer, and that may or may not last in to September. Just my impression. I'm not comparing all of the numbers from the almanacs or anything! Though that might be the best and most scientific way of doing things, the weather doesn't always behave that way :)

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10344 posts

"I know that temperatures in Venice average out to high of 75."In the last 10 years the average high temp in Venice, for the period Sept 20 to 30, is 70; that's the temp at about 4 to 5pm. The average low temp is 55, that's the temp about 4 to 5 am. Somewhere between 55 and 70 is the average night time temp: high 50's to high 60's.But these are just averages of the last 10 years weather data for Venice for your travel dates. No one here can predict the weather for this September. The best we can do is give you this weather site, where I got the above data input venice and your dates & it summarizes the last 10 years of weather for that date

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1201 posts

We were in Venice about the third week in September a couple of years ago. Most of the days were quite pleasant temp wise. After the sun went down, it cooled off a bit.

In looking through our photos, I see mostly short sleeves during the day and then long sleeves or a light sweater/jacket at night.

In theory it should be cool enough with the windows open at night. However, most places do not have screens and we usually kept the windows closed to keep out the mosquitoes. Having air conditioning makes that comfortable.

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120 posts

We were in Venice late in September last year and it was quite cool - long sleeves in the day and a light jacket at night. No need for airconditioning!

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166 posts

This might just be because I usually fly INTO Venice and am thus acclimating to European weather in general, but I have noticed it's quite humid. (I have been in early September twice, but never late September). The first day I'm there I've seriously been like, sticky hot.

That said, It has also completely poured when I've been there in September, too. Which although inconvenient is a different side to Venice - and was a fun experience. Have a great time!!

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62 posts

Many thanks to Tamara, Kent, Ron, Terry and Jenny -- I appreciate your advise.

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30 posts

We were in Venice for three nights in mid-September last year. When we arrived, it was so hot and humid that we were uncomfortable. However, within two days it became cloudy and cool and then poured rain one afternoon; it was considerably cooler after that (sweaters or jackets needed). Based on last year, I would say plan to dress in layers and be prepared for extremes.

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267 posts

I was in Venice this past Septembe 18-19 and it was low to mid 70s during the day and cooled off at night to probably high 50s. I am a cool-weather person (HATE the heat) and it was perfect for me; no jacket, etc.
We were staying in Verona (hour and a half away) and did an overnighter to Venice. It was POURING rain the morning we left Verona, but cleared up nicely and we had cloudless, bright blue sky for our two partial days in Venice.

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34 posts

We were in Venice last September and had a huge storm with rain that puts our Seattle rain to shame!! Heed Ron's warning regarding mosquitos - they were extremely annoying and make it very hard to sleep if you are like me and want the windows open for fresh air!