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weather in september for italy and greece

What's the weather like in september? cold, hot, or rainy?

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10344 posts

"What's the weather like in september for italy and greece? cold, hot, or rainy?"

Hmmmm. I'd be surprised (and I've been surprised before) if anyone here will get out their crystal ball and attempt or pretend to describe what the weather might be in Sept in large areas like "Italy" and "Greece."

But we'd like to help and the best thing we can do for you is give you this website, the best one I've found on the net for getting an idea of what the weather has been in the past in specific locations for specific dates:

When you get to the site, input your locations and a span of time (up to 14 days) and it will providely nicely summarized info on what the weather has been in the last 10 or more years at those locations during the time periods you specify.

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10344 posts

I'm glad you found it useful!

As you've already seen, that site will quickly tell you 10 times more than any of us here could tell you, about the weather more than about 10 days out.