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Weather in Sept/Oct for Almalfi coast

Anyone know what the weather would be like on the coast? Going to be there on our Rick Steves tour mid Sept and beginning of Oct.

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16374 posts

Looking at the web camera to see what people are wearing today on August 19th is not going to be a good predictor of what the weather will be in October.

The average for that period is temperatures in the 70s during the day and in the 50s at night. But you should check the weather forecast a day or two before you depart.

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49 posts

Hello??? This is a female who need to go shopping for clothes way before the tour begins:):). I know when I took the northern tour with RS in Sept/Oct it was cold but as we got closer to Rome the weather was warmer. I know the south is always a bit warmer but want to pack accordingly.

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16895 posts

I'd plan to pack warm-weather gear, including swim suit, and just a couple of light layer options.

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49 posts

Great! Living in AZ I can handle the heat. Now to rethink my clothes shopping:):).

Any thoughts on shoes?

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16374 posts

Hello?? This is a male who was not granted the gift of weather prediction one month ahead.

The best the science of meteorology can do is predict weather 10 days ahead with a good degree of accuracy. All I can tell you for now is that on average maximum temperatures in Amalfi at the end of September are in the 70's F, while the average minimum night temperatures are in high 50s/low60s. However on October 4, 1976 the minimum temperature in that area was 36 degree F.

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49 posts

Well, now that is a great help! Living in AZ 70 is cool:):). Having lived in Florida 70 is cool also:):). At least this gives me a general scope on the weather. Now I can go shopping with ease of mind. See how even a male can be of great help:):)

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16895 posts

My statement of course is not intended to contradict Roberto's advice to check the weather forecast right before travel. That step has saved me in the past. But I wouldn't want you to have to shop for shorts at the last minute ;)

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49 posts

Thanks Laura,
At first my mind went to packing winter clothes. Then I thought, hey, wait, I'm going to the Southern coast! Had to rethink my packing. Going to leave my swimsuit home. Want to explore the area. Going to pack lighter weight of slacks and tops. Now on to the shopping spree!!!

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16374 posts

I said the average is in 70s. That could be 70 but also 79.
I wouldn't call that cool, but I'm in San Francisco where 79 is considered scorching hot.
A bikini doesn't take that much space in the suitcase. Unless the forecast just before you go calls for unseasonably cool weather, I'd pack that too. The water might be cool, but sunbathing you probably can do.
Be careful in the water. It's deep and rocky.

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49 posts

Sometimes a good night sleep makes you smarter in the morning! I have been asking about the weather for my southern Italy tour. Then realized, hey, look up the Weather Channel and key in the places I will be touring. And guess what??? They had the estimate weather for the times I'll be there.
And I definitely will not be taking my bathing suit:). Not because I don't want to go swimming but I would rather do more exploring of the area then spend time on the beach. When I was on my last tour, I skipped lunch with some of the group and grabbed a bite to eat at the local grocery store, went on my way exploring everything in site! It was so much fun.

Now on to shopping for weather related clothes!

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81 posts

I was in Sorrento October of 2014 and will be again this October. The weather was great! Think San Diego. Pompeii was HOT but that is because there is hardly any shade and the stone traps the heat. I was chilly in the evenings so if you are from AZ I suggest bringing a pair of pants and a sweater.

On a side note. The south coast is only 700 miles from northern Africa. Tika virus is a very real possibility. I am horribly allergic to bites anyway but plan to bring repellant from the states to prevent Zika infection as much as possible. Buying repellant in Italy was surprisingly expensive and you'll need it for Rome and Naples as well.

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16888 posts

Gloria, we've been to the coast in early October and had mostly glorious weather (light jacket weather at night) but we also had one day of heavy rain.

Mandy, its Zika and not Tika virus, and according to the August 11th report from the World Heath Organization (WHO) there have been very few cases reported in Italy so far: none of those were contracted from mosquitoes in Italy so I wouldn't worry about it overly much.

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15806 posts

Just so you know, those forecasts are based on the averages of past years. You could get extremes - that would be either heat wave (which would still be cool compared to Phoenix - I was there 3 weeks ago, YIKES) or a cold snap (you'll need a jacket) or rain (jacket, rain poncho and sandals that won't get ruined, a second pair of shoes is a good idea).