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Weather in April

What is the weather like in Cinque Terre about April 20th ? Is it beach weather, warm enough to swim?
What about on the Amalfi coast around Sorrento, is it much warmer down there?

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10344 posts

Bridget: Sorrento is considerably south of the CT and therefore you would think that Sorrento might be warmer. However, surprisingly the long-term average temperature is almost the same for the two locations. The average April temperature in the CT is 56 and in Sorrento is 57. That's an average of high and low so it would be somewhat higher during the day, but again these are just long-term averages. You can get much more information on both mother and both locations by going to the website below. At the homepage and then select Sorrento and Genoa for the CT.

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5500 posts

Hi Bridget,
April is not really swimming weather, although you might be able to take a quick dip if you can tolerate cold water. I was in Positano the second week of May and did go in the water on a very beautiful day. But it was very cold ... I'm guessing that the water temp was around 60 F.