We are leaving on Saturday for a wedding in Florence and will be there 10 days.
I know it is common wisdom that people in Europe don't wear shorts, but we have been reading about the current heat wave in Italy, and my Husband and adult son are wondering if they could get by with shorts for some of the sight seeing that we will be doing after the wedding. We don't want to be obvious "ugly Americans", but don't want to melt in a heat index that is 110. We are hoping that people more familiar with Florence in the summer than we are, can comment. Thanks.
Ignore what people says, out of churches and starred restaurants nobody cares how tourists dress . You are like banners on websites to locals: unseen if silent.
Note that Italians younger than 60 wouldn't understand your worries, they all wear shorts out of office. Clean and ironed shorts, but shorts.
Thank you for your replies. I had a feeling that people would be wearing them given the heat.
My first trip to Italy was in 1980 and no one wore shorts. By 1988 we were wearing shorts in Italy and so were many, many others. Take your shorts and have a good time.
Buon viaggio,
People wear shorts. Just don't look like a slob.
The Ugly American moniker fulfills a handful of stereotypes, as an adult, if you're traipsing around in shorts, tank-top and flip-flops around Florence...you're either a know-nothing teenager or, you're the Ugly American...or, Russian, or, Brit or, German. Such an outfit is fit for the pool or, beach but, not in town.
Italians appreciate some style and poise, dress for them is all about appropriateness and setting. It's hot out, so wear shorts. If you wear it with a nice collared shirt , maybe a linen shirt and some decent sandals, you'll have no problems and won't stick out like a turd in the punch bowl. Just make sure you've got some designer sunglasses to match ;-)
I left Florence last Wednesday at the beginning of the heat wave. The high the day we left was 101 and we had 90s during our entire 2+ week stay. People were wearing shorts everywhere. It was too hot for anything else. I started with capris and caved super quickly to shorts. (And this is coming from a girl who never wears shorts at home, other than working out.)
I think the stereotype of Europeans not wearing shorts is really stupid. I encountered Italians, Germans, French, Spanish, Dutch among many other nationalities. Many were wearing shorts. I get why locals aren’t wearing shorts if they are on there way to their job but for casual wear, everyone was in them.
Everyone wears shorts in Europe- and not just during a heat wave. It’s 2018, not 1980.
YouTube has neat walking tour videos in lots of European cities. You can see what people are wearing at various times of the year.
For men in Italy in August: yes to lightweight (linen) pants and shorts. A resounding no to jeans.
Italian men wear Bermuda shorts very often. The important thing is not to wear socks (unless they are small footsies). Wearing socks is considered very unfashionable and tacky (unless you are working out). See examples of acceptable men’s attire below.
Women wear bermuda shorts also, however I noticed in the past few years that the current fashion among younger women is to wear very very short shorts, like those below (in case you are traveling with a younger daughter also). The current fashion is not recommended for visiting cathedrals however, unless one has a pareo or scarf to wrap around the waist.