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Water taxis at Venice train station?

Are there water taxis must’ve waiting like an airport taxicab, or do we need to reserve one?

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34406 posts

I've never seen the taxi area empty.

The vaporettos are pretty much constant too... except in the middle of the night

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1054 posts

Thanks Judy. We’re actually traveling in by train, so I wasn’t sure if they wait there for passengers.

Nigel, we mean at the train station, correct?

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34406 posts

I am speaking about the area just in front of and to either side of the train station Santa Lucia - known as the vaporetto stop Ferrovia.

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17603 posts

If you look on Google maps, satellite view, and “walk” the area using street view, you will see a marked taxi stand just to the left of the “A” vaporetto dock. Turn left after you descend the station steps, after you pause and enjoy the view, and walk past the B and A vaporetto docks. Looks like there is a dispatcher there as well as waiting taxis.

Maybe this will show it:,12.3210644,3a,75y,48.57h,88.79t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sO9hbZna2_t8wh2P-OGL36Q!2e0!7i13312!8i6656,12.3221778,3a,75y,78.58h,91.9t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1scmxQkEIf5dSosriVD_BR8w!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

Use the first link to “walk” the area past all four vaporetto docks to the taxi stand. The second one shows the actual site.