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Water taxi to hotel in Venice

We are going to Venice for the first time and my husband is very concerned about transportation to the hotel. They have told us we need to take a vaporetto five stops down and it is about a ten minute walk from the stop. So, if I am correct in reading we will take a water bus from the airport to Venice, then transfer to a vaporetto and follow the directions to the hotel. He is concerned about being jet lagged with luggage lost in Venice. We know we will get lost in Venice but he doesn't want to do it with luggage. I have a small carry on but he, unfortunately, doesn't pack light and has much larger luggage.

I understand water taxis are quite expensive. If we have to go that route can someone recommend a company? How much could we expect to pay for a water taxi from the airport to our hotel? Is it per person or per taxi? Would a shared water taxi from the airport drop you very close to your hotel? If so, what company could you recommend?

Thanks for your help! This group is the best!

Posted by
21692 posts

If you are spending the big bucks (110 EUR) for a water taxi, for that money it will take you as close to your hotels he can get. Some hotels have their own private water taxi docks.

If you want to use the vaporetto, take the No 5 bus from the airport door to Piazzale Roma, then get a vaporetto to your closest stop to walk to your hotel. Cost is 14 EUR per person for a combined Bus+Boat ticket. If you plan on getting a vaporetto pass, you can buy it at the airport and include the airport bus on the pass for an extra 6 EUR.

Your hotel can also suggest best transport, usually on their website. What hotel, by the way?

Posted by
9 posts

I just left Venice yesterday and we took a private water taxi to the airport for 120 Euros. It was worth every penny IMO. Every penny.

Posted by
8373 posts

You might consider taking a cab from the airport out to Venice. It's really not that far and no more expensive than the fares on the vaporetto from the airport into the plaza at the train station. From there, I'd do as instructed and take the vaporetto 5 stops.
Before you go, you can pull up a map of the city on Google Maps and see where your hotel is located. Instead of streets, you'll be walking on sidewalks and walkways and going over small bridges for the most part. The maps will show where you're going, and it's easy to take notes. Street names are painted on buildings at the corners.
The best thing your husband can do for your trip is to change his ways and pack light--like thousands and thousands of experienced traveler (including my wife.) Your trip will go so much smoother that way. I follow Rick Steves' packing list with some minor modifications and can go indefinitely with a 21" TravelPro ultra light carry on bag.
I really don't know the current fares on water taxi's from the airport, but I do assume it's extremely expensive.

Posted by
5333 posts

...a vaporetto...and...a ten minute walk...

Some of this has been covered by others so please excuse any redundancy.

With the hotel referring to a ten minute walk, a water taxi may or may not be able to get you much closer than the regular vaporetto stop. Knowing the name and location to the hotel will help determine that.

In a nut shell, there are 3 ways to get from the airport to your hotel. A private water taxi, as you mentioned, is the most expensive by far. I understand there is now a shared water taxi system available but we haven't used it so can't comment. Perhaps other can offer insight.

The next least expensive way is the Alilaguna boat. It takes longer, you do have to "check" you baggage so you don't have control of it the entire time, and you probably will not be able to get a "non stop" line to the area of your hotel. And you may still have a long walk.

The third way is a combination bus and vaporetto (vap.). It takes a bit longer, but that is what we do because we travel with just a carry on each. There are two bus lines that serve the airport. One is ATVO and is NOT affiliated with the vap. system. The other is ACTV and IS affiliated with the vap. system. At the airport you can get a vap. pass for various periods from 24 to 72 (or more?) hours. You can have a one way or two way bus fare added to the vap. pass. There is a good site maintained by the ACTV system that has current prices and such. Can't remember the url so just google it.

If you decide to do option # 3, take the # 5 ACTC bus from the airport to Piazzale Roma. Be sure and validate the vap. pass on the bus. Do not wait until you get on the vap. Also, validate the pass each time you use the vap. Then take to the vap. to the stop closest to your hotel. We've done option # 3 many times. Easy Peasy and cheap to boot.

Knowing the name and location of the hotel will probably enable us to give you specific directions about the vap. line and stops. It may even be possible to use google maps street view to walk the route to the hotel to help avoid getting lost.

Oh, by the way there is a site called that has a lot of good info. that you might want to check out.

Posted by
17603 posts

I assume the hotel is recommending the No. 1 vaporetto (which makes all the stops down the Grand Canal), but could you confirm that? Better yet, could you tell us the hotel and the dock they named as closest? Then people here can give you more specific advice.

But to answer your question about water taxis, the cost depends on whether you use a private water taxi or a shared one. People above just reported they paid 120 euro for a private water taxi to the airport. That is a flat charge for any number of passengers from one to six. A shared water taxi can be booked for 25 euros per person, so 50 euros for the two of you.

The disadvantage of the shared water taxi is they will wait at the airport for other passengers who have booked, up to 45 minutes. And then they make regular stops going down the Grand Canal. They will not go into a side canal to take you closer to your hotel like a private water taxi will (if there is such a dock; this is why it would help to know the name of your hotel). So you may end up with the same 10-minute walk no matter whether you use vaporetto, private water taxi, or shared water taxi.

The cab from the airport recommended above simply takes you to Piazzale Roma (boarding dock for the vaporetto), just like the regular No. 5 bus that Sam described.

There is another public boat service (aka water bus) from the airport to Venice, the Alilaguna. You can board these at the airport dock (a bit of a walk from the terminals). They then cross the lagoon and make a few stops at various docks around Venice (fewer docks than the vaporetti use). Since your hotel did not suggest this mode of transport there may not be an Alilaguna dock anywhere near your hotel.

Posted by
2485 posts

hey d.balinski Has shared water taxi, read carefully where the stops are Private ride takes you as close to hotel stop. We booked for online. We took that from airport for 110E, like other poster mentioned, worth every penny. Start your piggy bank. You’ll have a great time. Ask more questions if you need to not stress. The posters here will tell you good bad and ugly.

Posted by
55 posts

It is Vaparetto line #1 and the hotel (actually guest house) is 3749 Ponte Chiodo. This is the only part of the trip that is stressing me out. Thank you for all your input.

Posted by
17603 posts

The 5th stop would be Ca’D’Oro. Does that sound right?

Posted by
17603 posts

This map shows the exact location (assuming the link works).,+Cannaregio,+3749,+30121+Venezia+VE,+Italy/@45.4417718,12.3349527,17z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x477eb1dd174245f5:0x1fbd5fc77884f5c9?hl=en-us&gl=us

A private water taxi may be able to take you up the Rio Noale if there is a dock they can use. That would be very close. You could ask the guesthouse about that (availability of a dock nearby that can be used by a water taxi).

If not, it would be a fairly straightforward walk from the vaporetto stop.

Posted by
34584 posts

To help other posters, from "3749 Ponte Chiodo", I can see that that is in Cannaregio midway between Ca'd'Oro on the Grand Canal and Fondemente Nove, the big cross lagoon vaporetto stop on the north side of Cannaregio.

It is pretty straightforward from the Ca'd'Oro vaporetto stop. When you get off the boat follow the path away from the Grand Canal in a straight line until you get to the first major cross street, which is called Strada Nova. Very wide shops and lots of neon both directions. Look left. First thing on the right is a McDonalds, Venice Style. Turn that way. Walk straight, and either walk straight past the Grom gelato store on the right or stop in for a quick refresh. That's 2 doors down from the McDonalds. Next thing is the Hotel Amadeus and then a Lush soap and smelly stuff store. Then cross a bridge. Immediately turn right the first possible place across the bridge. Now you are going north, and the Rio di San Felice (a small waterway) will be on your right. Follow both the Rio and your path on Fondamente San Felice until you get to the first bridge crossing the Rio. Go straight. At either the second (un named) or third (Ponte Chiodo) turn right and cross it, then walk one tiny street in and you are there.

(cross posting with Lola)

Posted by
21692 posts

You can "walk" to it with google maps streetview. You will get off the No 1 Vaporetto at Ca' d'Oro. Walk straight out the narrow alley, it is the only way out, everybody will be going that way. You will come out on a busy street that is the main street of the area, the Strada Nova. Look across the street to the left and you will see a familiar sight, the Golden Arches, McDonalds. Take left on the Strada Nova and a short ways on the right is a courtyard. Take a right there, you'll see a small restaurant at the far end of the courtyard, Osteria 'Ai Osti. at the reataurant, take a left down the alley and make an immediate right on Calle Priuli. There is a sign on the corner of the building with that name on it. Keep walking down the alley, you will cross a short bridge with steps. Now the name of the alley changes to Calle de la Rachete, keeping walking and on the right you will see doorway with the number above 3749. You are there.,12.3350292,3a,75y,297.9h,97.46t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sAF1QipM9_wB_hhMYlvRk1R1jHDCECv5Od96RjwtSM16L!2e10!3e11!7i13312!8i6656

Posted by
55 posts

Thank you all so very much. We are feeling much more confident about our arrival. My husband even agreed to lighten what he is bringing with him to make it easier. This is an amazing community - grazie!!

Posted by
34584 posts

Given the slightly different answers, you can see the beauty of Venice. There is always more than one way to do anything...

Have a fabulous trip...

Posted by
31 posts

We just returned from an amazing trip to Italy, including Venice. Although a frequent user of trains and buses to travel in Europe, I was nervous about getting to and from our hotel in Venice with our bags. Drop a suitcase while getting off a train and you just pick it up; drop it while getting off a boat and splash. My concerns were misplaced. Using the Vaporetti (water bus) to get from the train station to our hotel was a breeze and the Alilaguna (express water bus) from the hotel to the airport was simple too. There is room on both to place your bags and keep them within eyesight. It is a 10 minute walk from the Alilaguna Station to the airport, but it is inside. The water taxi dock is just as far.

The Vaporetti and Alilaguna systems are separate. The Vaportetti routes are numbered and the Alilaguna routes are lettered A,B, and R. The fare from the airport on the Alilguna is 15 Euros.

Enjoy Venice. Spend some time away from the tourist areas. It is amazing.