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Watching American College Football in Italy

Being a College Football Fan, I was wondering if anyone had found an way to catch a game here and there while traveling in Italy. On my last visit to Europe I wasn't able to find a place to watch my favorite team, but thought others might have had better luck. I know watching American College Football is not a favored pastime in Italy. Thank you in advance for any information you might be able to share.

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1170 posts

Good luck with that one. You won't find NFL Football on TV in Italy much less College. Actually all TV in Italy sucks.

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262 posts

There is an Irish Pub in Florence that shows games

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8293 posts

Scott sez "All TV in Italy sucks" ... but you have to admit the commercials are hilarious.

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2207 posts

In Rome, there are a few bars/pubs that carry NCAA football. For example, we often go to the Abbey Theater near Piazza Navona. They have DirecTV and we watch the games live although they don't start in Rome till about 6 or 7 PM. Check with your hotel for closer options... there will be NO American football on Italian TV stations (lots of Italian futbol though). We also watch the NFL, NBA and MLB at these sites... so it is available, just not on the local or national TV networks.