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795 posts

I only remember one stop of mine at an Autogrill, but it was wonderful! (no idea where it was or where we were going as we rarely rented a car haha)

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2217 posts

We love eating at the Autogrill! We would eat there while driving to Tuscany from Rome and back. France has similar gas stations on their expressways, but not quite as nice as the Autogrill.

Posted by
1817 posts

A sit down Autogrill meal is one thing, but a quick stop for a snack is quite another. Nothing says 'La Dolce Vita' like standing in a scrum at the cash register in a long wait to pay for an espresso and a cornetto in order to wait in a scrum at the bar to order and finally enjoy your breakfast while defending your tiny bit of counter space. In defense of Autogrills, I will add they are not Sarnis.

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312 posts

One of the best meals I had on our VFR Tour last October was a sit-down meal at an Autogrill on the way from Venice to Florence. Who knew, right?

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1242 posts

Sort of off topic but I also find that places I would generally consider a poor choice - cafes attached to museums or stores - are often very good. In general I would attempt to schedule around having to eat in the museum by reflex but when you're on the museum march it happens.

The museum cafe attached to the Armani Silos in Milan was so good and stylish we took pictures of our food. The little cafe next to the Textile museum in Prato was very welcoming - explaining the details of the all in Italian menu - and had some very special dishes.

The cafe on top of the Uffizi didn't leave much of an impression but given how captive your and the view they could be really bad but I remember it being 'okay'.

Life is too short to eat badly in Italy,

Posted by
127 posts

"Life is too short to eat badly in Italy."

That's my motto!

Posted by
16270 posts

Unfortunately we can't have similar rest stops with full service Autogrill restaurants on our Interstate highways.

If you have never seen full service rest areas on Interstate highways, like are common on Italian Autostrade, it's because they are prohibited by a federal law (Section 111 of Title 23 of the United State Code) enacted in 1956 which launched the Federal Interstate Highway program.

Sorry guys! We'll have to manage with exiting the freeway and finding a Denny's.

Posted by
561 posts

I've found Autogrills to be a mixed-bag. Like shopping at Costco, while they all have a range of offerings, the reality is they're not all created equally. Some are spectacular and others are simply ho-hum.

The French version, called routiers I very much enjoy. Basic roadside diners serving up informal and hearty dishes, I could live on those places.

Posted by
4942 posts

My friends have a lovely collection of plates and bowls purchased on the autostrada, they get new pieces on every visit

Posted by
17 posts

We did some driving in Italy last year, and discovered the Autogrills. Unbelievably good food, and so bizarre at the same time! It was also fun to be eating on an overpass and watching the cars on the highway beneath us.