Heard on BBC that Venice had another large flood yesterday and today. I find it very difficult to find current updates on conditions there. Is there an effort to suppress information so as not to discourage toursist from still traveling. My wife and I are going end of December, would like to know what will and won't be open. Thanks
It wasn't a particularly high tide and, being a tide, it was over around 10 pm.
Everything is open, why should they keep things closed?
Venice is worrying running out of tourists? Really?
Dario, It is great to have an Italian able to give us updates based on loxal Iralian news. Thanks for all you contribute!
Thank you. Sorry I did not make myself clear, I do not think they would close venues without reason. What I was saying I cannot get any current information on conditions and openings as of today. Most everything being reported is from last week.
They report about last week's tide because it was exceptional. Todays' was "only" 130 cm, so there were "only" 50 cm of water in the lowest point of the historic center: San Marco Square. Venetians have been facing high tides of 130 cm for 1,200 years, I think they hardly notice 50 cm if water in the morning in San Marco square. One of the reasons the Florian and Quadri cafe are so expensive is that they are almost flooded every given day in the fall.
There is no secret, tides depend on the moon. Add the southern winds and Venice goes underwater, but the forecasts are published here: https://www.comune.venezia.it/it/content/centro-previsioni-e-segnalazioni-maree
Great explanation, thank you.