Which company and which walks would you suggest? We will be in Venice 3 full days and plan to do a lot of wandering, but would like to start with an introductory, orientation type walk.
Thank you, Adrienne
Check out Context Travel. They have a 3 hour orientation boat tour that sounds wonderful: Venice by Boat Check out their other tours if you want to do a walking tour. CT limits their group size to six, so that helps make for a better experience than the larger tours.
Not an orientation, but I recommend Rick's audio guides. You might start with his Grand Canal "tour."
Can't do better than this: http://www.discoveringvenice.com/ Nice to see a post from my hometown. Is Gina's still open on W. Main? Go Wildcats!
A second vote for Context Travel (Context Venice). They do amazing tours. I've used them in multiple cities. Always great.