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Walking hiking bicycling Montalcino area

We have 3 days in Montalcino. We would like to rent some e-bikes to ride around the countryside, stop & have a picnic on a hillside, maybe hike around someplace that looks inviting rather than go on a hiking tour with a guide. Is this possible? Are there issues with trespassing in Italy?

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15899 posts

I don’t know if there are bike rental shops in Montalcino, which is a very small village, but ebiking is popular in Italy so there should be something available somewhere.

Country lots can be trespassed provided that the lot is not fenced in or does not have a no trespassing sign (DIVIETO D’ACCESSO in Italian).

Having said that you are liable if you cause damage to the land owner by damaging plants, steal fruits, or stepping on planted agricultural fields. As such stay on the paths and don’t try to steal the grapes. The land owner is also the owner of wild fruits in its property, including pine nuts or acorns (I don’t know humans who eat acorns but so you know, just in case). Other than that, you can pretty much go anywhere without fear. I spent my youth in Tuscany doing what you plan to do. Actually my friends and I did that primarily to steal fruits from the farmers, however I want you to know that more than once we were chased out by farmers armed with very long sticks. That part wasn’t too fun.

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11680 posts

We once hiked from Montalcino to the Abbey Sant’Antonio, has lunch in the village above the abbey, and took the bus back. Ask locally to make sure of the path. It was lovely.

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707 posts

There are several books on hiking in Tuscany that might be helpful.