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Walking around Naples, how intimidating is it?

Hi all, I'm planning a day trip to Pompeii and Naples from Rome for my trip in Oct. I have alot of common sense and have my money belt and Pacsafe purse, my question is, how scary/intimidating is it for 2 females to walk around Naples? We're thinking of going to the Archelogical Museum and following part of Rick's Naples walk, and trying the pizza, of course. Any tips/advice would be appreciated esp. from those of you that have done this.

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15 posts

Claudette, I am female and pretty fearless. I think people are sometimes overly cautious because they are imtimidated by a new and unfamiliar place rather than actual danger. That being said, Naples scared me. I was in Italy with a group and a guide for nine days and Naples was the only place where I saw our guide get nervous, and he was VERY nervous about keeping us all together. He gave us repeated warnings not to wear ANY jewelry or watches and herded us through the streets like teachers do with small children. We walked through a park at one point and everyone sort of stopped what they were doing and stared at us. Naples was the only place I was uncomfortable at all, and in fact I went out alone at various times in other cities and wasn't uncomfortable or anxious at all. Just my two cents.

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10344 posts

We frequently get questions about Naples and safety. You'll probably only get a few answers to your question on this thread; if you would like to browse additional posts on Naples and safety, that have been posted here in the past, go to these (* * * is not part of the URL but indicates a line break between URLs, since we don't have line breaks anymore): * * * * * * * * *

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539 posts

We flew into Naples from Canada when we first arrived in Italy in late summer 2008 so were kind of out of it when we took the bus from the airport to a piazza near the Garibaldi train station (Piazza Garibaldi ??). I distinctly remember feeling uneasy while walking to our hotel just a few blocks north and west of the train station. This was unusual for me, and I can't exactly say why I felt uneasy. Just a sense that we stood out. It's a very chaotic area and there's a lot happening and it's very lively. We made it to the hotel without incident, by walking and looking confident, and ignoring the goings on around us. We put the map and guidebook away and acted like we knew what we were doing. After a few days of being in Naples, we felt much more comfortable, and in fact enjoyed the chaos. Some of our best memories of Naples come from engaging with some of the shop owners. If you like pizza, load up on it during your time in Naples, as you will likely never have better.

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32325 posts

Claudette, there are never any guarantees, but you should be fine as long as you follow the walks shown in the Guidebook, and go during daylight hours. I probably wouldn't venture into the Spanish Quarter at night. The Archeological Museum is fantastic, and you'll probably find it interesting going to Pompeii afterwards as many of the artifacts are in the Museum. Happy travels!

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53 posts

My wife and I are not only going to Naples, we are staying the night. Some of the best advice I ever got on safety was from the regional Peace Corps Safety and Security guy for West Africa when I started my two years in Benin. Don't look scared Be aware of people around you ... anyone casing you up can be spotted, make sure try know you are on to them ... make it a game Be confident, and don't look like a tourist Even wussies like me can give a good Clint Eastwood look Thieves generally look for easy targets, if they think you are hard target they will move on. Have fun and be safe!

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755 posts

Naples is a fascinating place and should not be missed. My daughter and I will soon be visiting for the 3rd time. We have never felt it to be scary or intimidating at all (well except for the time the cops chased us for having expired metro tickets but that was not intentional!) Walk with confidence and be aware of your surroundings and don't miss taking a taxi ride!

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11613 posts

Claudette, I've traveled alone for years, and have visited Naples several times. Do your map gazing at a cafe rather than on the street where you can become distracted. I've never been afraid anywhere (once I got there - beforehand, that's another story). Confidence is a good tool to carry. Frankly, I've been more scared in Miami (where I lived) during the drug wars.

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1 posts

My husband and I were in Naples last Oct. From all that I had read of Naples I was wary of it. However, we had a great time there. I did take precautions. I wore no jewely. I wore my small, over the shoulder purse under the lightweight blouse/jacket that I wore over my T-shirt. We had money belts too. Do walk with confidence. Be very aware of the traffic. Don't assume a red light will mean that the vehicles will stop. Watch out especially for the motor scooters; they know no bountaries. After timidly crossing the first two streets my confidence built so that from then on we were crossing the streets confidently,but were still very alert. We went to the Archelogical Museum then walked down the Spaccanapoli. We went to the Cappella Sansevero. This I highly recommend that you visit. The statues there are ones you will never forget. We had pizza at Antica Pizzeria da Michele. Wonderful. There was a waiting line of locals and tourists outside of it. We were giving numbers. I had to look up how my number was pronouced in Italian so that I would recognize it when called. Naples is gritty, but I want to go back. Hope that you have as good of a time there.

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46 posts

I was in Napoli earlier this year. I was by myself and followed a couple of RS's walking tours. I arrived early in the morning from Sorrento and spent the day there. I never felt the least bit intimidated. I loved the city! I left right after an early dinner and was on the way "home" to Sorrento before dark. The pizza at San Michele is just amazing and some of the churches are just splendid. The people I met were extremely helpful and friendly. I would go back in a heartbeat but I would once again spend the night in Sorrento! Enjoy! P.S. When I travel, I wear jeans, a t-shirt and no jewelry to speak of.