Will be arriving about 1630 next week and was thinking about just walking this rather than a taxi as it looks relatively close on Google maps. Any advice? Thanks
Walking is probably quicker than a taxi.
When we stayed at Hotel Aberdeen, a bit more to the north of your hotel , we easily walked it with our rolling luggage.
Just watch your belongings, especially if you are all tired or jet lagged.
Very near Termini a couple of years ago some young girls tried to grab the crossbody bag off my friend, the girl was actually tugging on the strap.
I screamed at her and she just smirked as if to say ”I’ll get the next one.”
We were obviously travelers as we were wheeling our bags from hotel to the station.
Just be aware and prepared and you’ll be fine!
That's an easy walk: no need for a cab.
On our last trip we were just a few blocks NW from where you will be and had no issues at all covering ground on foot from Termini. Don't get all freaked out about safety, OK? As long as you have your valuables deeply stowed out of reach of light fingers - as you should anytime at all when sightseeing or taking public transit - you'll be fine. :O)