We would like to drive from Volterra to Pisa. What is the road like from Volterra to Cecina? Is there a better route?
Volterra to Cecina and then north to Pisa is one way to go. However, your are driving slightly SW to get to Cecina. A second, and shorter way to go is via Pontedera and Cascina. Lots of 50km speed limits to slow you down a bit but it's only 90 minutes according to www.viamichelin.com. Here's a link to see what I see. http://gyazo.com/d956bd663cff2c8d41a569361443ac42
Take the Volterrana toward Ponsacco, then at Ponsacco get on the FI-PI-LI Superhighway. Except for near Volterra, where it's a little curvy when you come down the hill, the rest of the highway is flat with soft curves as it drives along the Era Valley. That's the Valley where Andrea Bocelli is from (he's from Lajatico, near Volterra). It's a two lane highway, all paved, however Italian highways have no shoulders and tend to be narrower than the US equivalents. Just drive in one of the county roads around The Dalles and that's pretty much the width of the road (maybe a bit narrower). basically two narrow lanes with no shoulders on the sides.
Thank you...that was very helpful.
I was wondering the same. Thanks again Robert for your great advice! 45 days and counting.
In your case Karen, drive north of Calistoga on Hwy 29 to Middleton and Clearlake. That's pretty much the kind of curvy roads you'll find in Tuscany. Lanes are a bit narrower, but cars tend to be smaller, so you'll be ok.