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Vitamins / supplements

Just was wondering if there is any issue with not bringing original bottles for vitamins and supplements. I'd like to save room by just putting everything into a baggie or 1 container. There are about 7 different pills. First time traveller to Europe. :)

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7737 posts

I've never had a problem and I usually take along a pharmacy's worth all in one bottle.

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3313 posts

I doubt there will be a problem, but I wouldn't come back into the States with pills in unidentifiable containers.

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1446 posts

Hi Lee. No problems at all...I take a TON of vitamins and supplements and no one ever looked at them or questionned them at the U.S. or Italian airports that we flew into/out of. I separated all of my supplements into little tiny ziploc baggies before we left home; I had 3 baggies per day (1 each for breakfast, lunch & dinner) & then put them all into a big gallon size ziploc bag. Each morning I grabbed my 3 bags for the day & threw them into my backpack. My husband did the same thing with his supplements and pills and like I said, noone seemed to care or notice. We did take photocopies of prescriptions in case there was a problem but we never had to show them. This has been a recurring question on this forum and the consensus seems to be that no one has had a problem.

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4412 posts

'Shouldn't' be a problem, but IN GENERAL if it's something that would really be a hardship (blood pressure meds, thyroid meds) I would absolutely take them in their original bottles. No matter what the TSA website says about what you can - and can't - take on an American airliner, you are at the mercy of the TSA agents. If they don't like your vitamins/nailclippers/whatever, you can't take them on board. If you REALLY couldn't live with that, then check them... should not have a problem. Most of us also just dump them all together ;-) (bring a few extra - ESP. if you're bringing important meds (mentioned above): planes get delayed, sometimes for days (volcanic ash, strikes, earthquakes) and pills get dropped down strange sinks and lost under beds...)

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1893 posts

My hubby is a huge supplement guy. I got him a divided plastic box, like you find in a craft store. He puts his stuff in there for the trip, counting out what he needs for the duration. he also got so organized that he used a label maker and put names on the lid so he'd remember what the pills are. A few zip lock bags would work too, but he worried about crushing the pills so something a bit studier is what he needed. The case isn't large, and it's pretty flat, so it fits nicely in a side pocket of his suitcase. Never been an issue going through security or customs. Have a great trip!