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Visiting the Vatican & Sistine Chapel


We have a group of 12-13 people, ages 11 to late 70’s, that will be visiting Rome in June. I’m looking for suggestions on what tickets to purchase to see the Sistine Chapel and the Vatican Museum (directly from the museum or through a private operator, group tour/individual tickets, times, etc...). It would be ideal if we could find something that can suit the attention span of kids/teens and limit a lot of time on foot for the older adults.

Also, any ideas for sightseeing with this size group would be helpful too. We will need to limit long walks. It’s for a fun family trip with to celebrate my parent’s 50th anniversary.

Thanks so much!

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2188 posts

If your budget allows, consider one of the after-hours tours. Seeing the Sistine without the mobs would make for a much more pleasant experience; ditto for the Vatican Museum. Walking shoulder to shoulder thru the crowds can be exhausting in and of itself, and having the place almost to yourselves would be memorable and more pleasant, especially if this is being planned as one of the highlights of the trip.

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1053 posts

I agree with Maggie, if you can swing an early morning tour, it will be a more pleasant experience. I travelled with 6 to Rome this past June. We went to the Vatican, Sistine Chapel, and St. Peter’s mid-morning with a private guide. Having a guide is essential in the Vatican museum and helpful in Sistine Chapel and St. Peter’s. Even though we were able to skip the ticket line and clear security quickly, the museum is a zoo—wall to wall people. We had some folks with mobility issues and there was nowhere to rest (too many people) in the museum itself (it does have great grounds), plus we had a hard time keeping a group of 6 together. The Sistine Chapel is spectacular, but again very crowded.

One of the highlights of the visit was to send my loved ones post cards from the Vatican Post Office. It was the best souvenir I got people from Italy. There is also a bathroom near the post office that had a very small line, unlike the one near the entrance past security (super long).

Enjoy your trip,

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4105 posts

With a group your size, a private guide will be more affordable and intimate. An early entry or after hours tour will be much less crowded. Look at this list provided by our host. Francesca Caruso is highly rated by travelers here.

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11894 posts

I agree with gerri, that a private guide is the way to go. You spread the cost over such a large group and the per person price becomes reasonable. If Francesca Caruso is not available, she will recommend one of her colleagues. That is how I got to know Sonia Tavoletta. [email protected].

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996 posts

Another vote for a private guide on a tour. Your group will have a much better experience.

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2662 posts

We used Walks of Italy for their early morning tour. It was good and nice that we went directly to the Sistine Chapel for 30 minutes, then saw the museum. The Chapel was already crowded and the museum was mobbed.

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3201 posts

We booked Pristine Sistine thru Walks of Italy for May.
I was so impressed with their service that we booked one other Rome tour and a Venice tour through them.
You might want to look at Eating Italy tours a different kind of tour.

Get your parents walking now since there will be lots of walking no matter what you do. I think I’m in pretty good shape for 68 but I’m huffing and puffing as I do my daily 2 to 3 mile walk especially on hills. I have 3 1/2 months to build my stamina.

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1662 posts

My first trip to Rome, I took a Vatican tour with a guide from the Vatican. It was not that expensive, but, it was crazy crowded and fast paced. But, I made the mistake of going on the morning of L'Immacolata Concezione della Beata Vergine Maria.

Sliding through the Vatican, shoulder to shoulder with half the World, it was a drive-by experience.

Entering The Sistine Chapel was much better since it was a controlled entry. It is gorgeous, awe-inspiring and amazing!

After, going to St. Peter's was like a "breath of fresh air." I almost had the Basilica to myself; or it seemed that way.

This past year, I did not return to The Vatican, but I returned to St. Peter's a few times during my two-week stay. I love St. Peter's.