Hello, My trip is near! Can't wait, we arrive in Rome on a Saturday April 7th at 4:00 staying at the Hotel Fontanella Borghese. I'm thinking of this afternoon to evening just walk around and get familiarized with the area. On Sunday would you suggest visiting the Colosseum? Or seeing other sites?
What I have booked is on Monday at 9:00 the Scavi tour and then I'll tour St. Peters Basilica. This will give me the afternoon open.
On Wednesday at 9:00 I booked the Vatican, I know that'll be an all day event. My husband and I decided to do the Basilica versus the Papal's audience. I had posted previously on this topic.
There are many other churches and sites that I will like to see, I'm going to be looking at a map today and map it out. But I'd like to know your suggestions on the Colosseum. I will depart on the 12th.
Thank you.