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Visiting St Peter’s Basilica with Fri night museum ticket

I’m a bit confused on how I might visit St Peter’s given that we have tickets for Friday Night for the Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel. I read that St Peter’s was free so I didn’t think I’d be buying another ticket but I also know that the Basilica closes before our museum entry time.

Should I be buying a separate reservation for St Peter’s Basilica? If so, from what website? I didn’t see anything specific for St Peter’s on the Vatican museum ticket website. This may be a bit of a rhetorical question because if i need to buy another set of tickets, I’m sure I’ve left it too late. I’ll probably go there for a 7am opening. Or maybe show up at 7:30am....


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16409 posts

Doug, most of St. Peter's is indeed free so no tickets or reservations are needed. The security queue can be quite long but moves along pretty quickly. If going in the morning, I'd arrive before the 7:00 opening.

I think you're in Italy right now? Hot, innit!!!?? 🥵

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1662 posts

Hi Doug,

I've been to St. Peter's Basilica a number of times. I found it to be absolutely gorgeous and breath-taking. There is much to see in St. Peter's - I will leave it up to your vision when you visit.

As you enter, to your right, will be La Pieta. Sadly, it is behind some pleixglass due to some previous vandalism. If you are taking a picture or two, keep that in mind.

If inclined, there is also the Chapel of The Blessed Sacrament. It is a Chapel for prayer, reflection and silence. It too is gorgeous with its ornate altar and statues. I leave the rest for you to be in awe of.

For that Chapel, there is no picture-taking, no cell phones, no talking. Guards will tell you before you enter. And, there is a big white sign reflecting the same. I witnessed a couple of peeps who decided to gamble and abuse the rules. Guards do random checks - they were caught and escorted out of the Basilica.

A few things to keep in mind -

You will go through a security check - hats and jackets and backpacks/bags are to be removed.
No big backpacks are allowed - it was safe with around 14"-15." Big backpacks need to be checked (same rules as The Vatican.)

No food. Water bottles were allowed if put away in a bag or jacket.
No big umbrellas - checked. There is a "monitored" free bag check outside St. Peter's - down near the steps - there are also (free) restrooms.

If you or anyone in your party use a mobility device, they are allowed after a security check.

There are cute gift shops in and out of St. Peter's. If you want Holy Water, you can bring your own "little bottle" or buy a mini glass one in the gift shop (3€) You can fill it with a little bit of the Holy Water from Acquasantiere Holy Water Font - two big, beautiful, marble Cherubs adorn the font. When I was there, there was Holy Water in the Font. They seem to keep it filled.

Don't forget - Women and Men need to cover their shoulders and knees.

Enjoy St. Peter's and The Vatican.

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17 posts

We had a nice visit to the Vatican museum on Friday evening. We decided to visit St Peter’s Basilica Saturday morning at 7am.

Early morning visits have been good for us on our trip: Ufizzi, Accademia and St Peter’s. For the Ufizzi and Accademia we arrived at 7:45am to virtually no line up, no reservations, no extra fees and 30 minutes of no crowds.

Rome is hot but we manage fine. It does make me wonder how/if Romans would paint, sculpt, build and battle during the summer months.

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1662 posts

Oh, that's good Doug. Glad you were able to get into St. Peters very early.

The history behind Rome is just amazing and mind-blowing.