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Visiting Rome Churches on Sunday

Hello everyone,

Was looking over my itinerary for my October trip and had a question regarding visiting churches on Sunday. Specifically I was looking at visiting St. Peter's and Santa Maria del Popolo on this day. I was looking at visiting St. Peters around 8am but not sure if this will interfere with Sunday mass. Regarding Santa Maria del Popolo my Mom and I will not be in that area until around noon and once I again I am trying to determine if this interferes with Sunday mass.

I did find the hours for visitation and did see mass times but I am not sure if I am looking at it correctly - for example Santa Maria del Popolo is open for visitation 7,30-13,30 / 16,30-19,00 but on Sundays is 8-10-11-12-13-18,30. Based on this I would say one cannot visit the church on Sundays except at 7,30.

If it is best to visit the churches during the weekday I am open to that but just need to know so I can adjust my plans accordingly.

Thank you

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23574 posts

Obviously Sunday is peak worship period. You cannot play tourist in the middle of a mass and it should be obvious to you when mass is underway. So, therefore, don't go in if you are not prepared to be a participant in the mass. That is just impolite. Weekday is a different matter. There are always signs posted indicating open hours and schedule masses.

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23 posts

Frank, I understand that Sunday is peak time which is why I posted my question. I would never ever think of playing tourist as that is just not appropriate. I was just trying to get some thoughts from those who have been to Rome before to determine whether I should just push off visiting to the weekday.

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15773 posts

I would do a weekday, if it's possible. I never know how much time I'll want at a sight, I'm disinclined to choose an option that is extremely limiting.

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1662 posts

Hi Lidia,

I've been to Rome a couple of times. With that though, I visited St. Peter's Basilica many times during my stays.

October would still be considered "high travel season." So you may still get more crowding compared to November or December.

I visited Rome both times in December. It was a comfortable crowd in St. Peter's. I went different times of the day and different days of the week.

I would suggest visiting St. Peter's during the weekdays.

Also, this may help you be more efficient with your planning and timetable.

adding If you want to see Pope Francis in Rome on a Sunday, go to Saint Peter's Square at noontime for the Angelus. Pope Francis will appear from the window of an apartment there. He will give a short speech followed by the Angelus, ending with an Apostolic blessing. Check his schedule to make sure he will be in town the Sunday you choose.

Posted by
23 posts

Thank you Chani and Girasole. I will have to look at my touring plan and see what I can move around.

Girasole appreciate the link – very useful. We have “tickets” for the Papal Audience on the Wednesday so we will be skipping the Angelus.

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439 posts


My reading of the opening times and mass times for Santa Maria del Popolo on Sundays would allow a visit starting at 16,30--the afternoon opening time--but ending before the 18,30 evening mass. That might be too late for the time you'll be in the area, but it does look like the only time on Sunday to visit without feeling rushed. I think that people entering at 7,30 on a Sunday would only be those planning to attend the mass at 8.