We will be visiting Italy in mid January 2020. I realize that weather-wise this is not the best time to visit, but going there to meet our son after he completes his semester of study (I'm always looking for an excuse to travel to Europe).
We arrive in Rome on Jan. 10, and from there trying to decide on a region to explore that has "reasonable" weather. We are aware that anywhere south of Pisa in Italy has avg. daytime temperatures between 50-60 degrees with 5-9 days of rain per month, which means we could get all sunny days, all rainy days, or a mix. Besides Rome, trying to decide on Tuscany, Naples/Sorrento area, or another place to spend 4-5 days. Looking for places that offer a good mix of both indoor activities (museums, galleries, etc) if it rains, and outdoor activities. We are leaning a bit towards Naples/Sorrento area because we have never been there, but still considering all options.
I would greatly appreciate any advice.