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Visit to Burano, Venice

Hi, i understand that it will be better for me to get a laguna nord ticket from Fondamenta Nuove to get to Burano. Anyone can advice me
1. where to get this ticket?
2. How much it cost?
3. Is this the same as the unlimited vaporetto ticket for the rest of the water bus?


Posted by
1018 posts

two years ago we went to Burano using the hourly ACTV vaparetto pass. While facing Piazza San Marco from the water look to your right and walk until you arrive at the correct dock. It takes about 90 minutes to arrive at Burano. We spent several pleasant hours wandering around the island. It is VERY HUMID. Since tourists have been coming over the Buranelli say that anyone having a front door now turns it into a shop. However, we did not see too many Americans as we were just about the only ones.

Buon viaggio,


Posted by
536 posts

Hi - IF you are staying in a Hotel in Venice they will give you - FREE - A water taxi ticket to go to Murano AND Burano!! If you're not staying in a Hotel walk the Piazza San Marco - There will be plenty of people handing out free tickets to go to both places. NO CHARGE


Posted by
1201 posts

The LN (laguna nord) vaporetto is a part of the regular ACTV transport system. The regular multi hour vaporetto pass will work on this boat as well. The advantage of the LN boat from F. te Nove to Burano is it is a direct route so you won't have to change boats. There should be a ticket kiosk at F. te Nove to purchase a ticket if you don't have a pass.

Posted by
7737 posts

If this is your first trip to Venice, you might not want to go Burano. Although it is charming enough, it takes up the better part of a day to get there, wander around and get back. I would rather use that time wandering around Venice. Just a thought.

Posted by
3313 posts

And, if you follow Greg's advice, you'll find yourself trapped in a glass factory expected to buy glass or pay your own way back.

Not aware of free excursions that go to both Murano and Burano but defer to Greg's experience as a cruise host.

You should be aware that Greg makes a living selling expensive packages to tourists. That's his business but his advice will cost you money.

Posted by
16070 posts

The free excursions are to Murano and Burano, and as Doug stated are run by the commercial glass factories. Very popular with the cruise ship folks. You get a short visit to Burano and then a long stop on Murano to visit a glass blowing place. You will have to take the tour and then spend a long time in the gift shop before the boat takes you back to Venice.

Burano is 40 minutes by boat. It's a beautiful island of painted houses and known for lacemaking. My suggestion is to follow the other suggestions, get an early boat, walk around a bit, have lunch, and return early afternoon to continue exploring Venice.

Skip Murano. If you really want to see how glass is blown there are a few places in the heart of Venice that would love for you to take their tour. (No boat necessary.)