I'll be in Venice in a few weeks for five days. Is the Lido worth a visit? This is my first time and I want to see as much as I can and a variety of the other islands. I really appreciate any advice.
Esp. this time of year, there's no real reason to go to the Lido. If you feel the need to leave Venice (and you might just want to stay there), go to Murano, Burano and (maybe) Torcello.
There's only two reasons to go to Lido: the beach in the summer and the film festival. Both have already passed.
We visited Lido, rented bikes, and had a very enjoyable day just riding about. We had lunch in a local cafe. Lido was very uncrowded and for us a nice break from the city itself. There was a bike rental shop a short walk from the boat landing. I'd describe it as a nice day off from sightseeing.
Thanks for your advice. Gives me something to think about. I'll run it by my travel companions. Good to have different opinions.
One of the things that's different about the Lido is that it has cars. Venice does not (and neither do Murano, Burano and Torcello), and that's part of the magic. You can always wait to decide until you're there.
Since it only takes a few minutes on the Vaporetto, what have you got to lose? Prices for food and drink are lower and its still a relaxed bedroom community for locals that work in Venice proper and want to live a normal life.
What do you have to lose? Precious time and vaporetto fare (if you don't have a pass). There are much more interesting things to see and do in Venice proper. If you're itching to get off the island, go to Murano instead. It's not much farther away. But you don't have to decide right now. Happy travels.
Lived in Italy half of my life. Been to Venice maybe 20 times. Never seen the Lido and never missed it either. Maybe in summer if you need a beach day, but in Autumn? I think you can find more to do elsewhere. Burano is a little distance away but worthwhile. Beautifully colored facades.