Heading there next week...finding conflicting information about availability of Visa Plus ATM machine in Radda in Chianti or nearby.
Anyone been there recently that can shed some light? Thanks. John
Radda is a charming hilltop town. I don't recall seeing an ATM in Radda, but we weren't looking for one.
How are you traveling? If you have a car, there are a couple of banks 30 minutes north in Greve. There are two routes from Radda to Greve, both are gorgeous drives.
They should be gearing up for harvest. This should be a great time to be there!
There IS an ATM in Radda, but I've been reading reports on-line that many users in Italy were not permitted to make ATM withdrawals using Visa Plus cards. Visa themselves were no help. Looking for someone who actually used/could not use their ATM card in Radda.
We used our GPS to find an ATM , be aware the fees are much higher at a none bank ATM. Also we found one ATM at a bank it was the bank of Florence that would not take my master CC. Luckily we found another ATM location using our GPS.
The VISA ATM Locator (Google ATM Locator and the Visa web page is the first one that shows up) shows 3 ATMs in Radda in Chianti that accept Visa/Plus cards. There are also dozens in the nearby towns as well.
Can anyone say that the exact ATM you pick will work? No. There are multiple reasons why any ATM anywhere may or may not work. The card holder forgot to notify their bank of their travel, the ATM ran out of cash, there could be a temporary network interruption preventing the ATM from communicating with your bank to get approval for the transaction, and so on.
When I was in Florence last October, every ATM in town had a sign on it that due to Visa network issues Visa/Plus cards were not working. MasterCard worked fine. The next day all cards were working. Credit card transactions at merchants were not impacted.
Suggestion is to get a second Debit card from a different issuer that has MasterCard Debit and take that one too. Capital One 360 has one (no fees for anything including international, no minimum balance required). Having both networks covered increases your chances of getting cash if you have concerns.
I have travelled with my Visa logo Debit card issued by my credit union for almost 20 years. It has a Shazam logo and a corresponding Accel logo, and since it is a Visa product is part of the Plus family. That said, I have never had an issue using my card in any ATM, in fact I do not recall ever looking to determine a network affiliation of an ATM. The other main network is the Cirrus/Mastercard/Maestro network, but in my experience just about any ATM accepts both...no sense in excluding half your customers. There is no financial advantage in using one ATM or the other unless your bank charges use fees and waives them for use at partner banks, but then you need to know those affiliate banks, not the ATM Network.