Hi everyone, I sure am enjoying this web site while I am planning a great trip to Italy for this October. Can anyone offer some guidance on which would make a more satisfying day trip from Venice: Vicenza or Padua? Also, would trying to visit both on the same day be worthwhile or just not allow enough time to appreciate either place?
I know to avoid Mondays when many sites are closed. The day for this excursion would probably be a Friday. Thanks!
Hi Larry, There's no one-size-fits-all travel. It all depends on your likes and dislikes. The two cities are somewhat different and would attract people with different preferences. Do you have the Rick Steves Venice book - if so, he describes many of the attractions of each. From personal experience, I love the Scrovenghi Chapel on the north side of Padova quite neat the station. It is absolutely fabulous, as is the museum next door and for which you get included admission with the Scrovenghi Chapel. But maybe you would have no interest in blue religious fresco paintings covering every inch of the ceiling and walls in a most incredible way. Padova also has a really vibrant university feel, with the oldest university. In the world. But that might bore you. Others have gone to the St Anthony Basilica but I haven't had time for it yet. Padova is certainly very easy to get to from Venezia and very close. Vicenza, now my favourite "living in" city in northern Italy after Venezia is a fabulous place to wander around in and absorb the living city culture. I spent a week there earlier this summer and didn't get to scratch the surface. It blends the modern with dozens of Paladian buildings. I also know of a really good gelato place there, and the best coffee. I never got time to get into the Olympic Theatre or several other museums on my "we'll do it next year" list. Both cities are definately Venato and show the strong influence of Venice, as does Verona - you didn't mention Verona. Even when we stay elsewhere in the Veneto we always end up being pulled into Venice by the giant magnet there. It always draws us in. Don't set your heart on too many things in the Veneto - you may find that the magnet works on you too. Dozens of days now in Venice and we still discover all sorts of new things every time. Don't leave the islands out either.
Hard choice as both are great but between the two I'm partial to Vicenza. That being said I would replace both choices in a heartbeat for Verona which is only a slightly longer trip.
Of those two, I'd have to say Vicenza, for it's charm. I spent 10 days in Padua one year- it's big and if you only have one day, Vicenza is more manageable. But I also would like to say I agree with Ron about Verona. In fact I'm here now. Been coming here for 4 years and love it.
I haven't been to Vicenza, but between Padova and Verona, I preferred Padova. You will only know how you feel when you see each place. So, I agree that you should look at some guidebooks (Rick's and others) and see which appeals to you. If your only goal in Padova is to see the Scrovegni Chapel, you could do this in a half day, then proceed to Vicenza.
Haven't been to Vicenza. Have been to Padova twice and was just here in July as a daytrip from Venice and also have been to Verona several times. We enjoyed both places. The Scrovegni Chapel in Padova is beautiful!
Think you can probably guess which way I lean...