Could be my browser but I find this site almost unusable and yet many praise it for being far more accurate than Google for driving times. I know it also gives toll costs and estimate fuel costs which are nice advantages over Google as well.
However when I try to use ViaMichelin the only time it ever works is if I know the GPS coordinate number for the town/address I am looking up in advance.
If I just type in the name with no number the website spins and never provides any results. What am I doing wrong?
Not sure how I even look up the proper numbers to type into the site.
If I put in numbers (found from some online post about directions) it works perfectly.
It is either one of the worst sites known to man or does not function properly with my current browser
Is not a a today only issue, I have tried about a dozen times over the last month or so and it always behaves the same way for me.