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What's a good place to eat in Verona in and around Piazza Bra in Verona? Grazie!

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791 posts

There's a great pizzeria, mentioned in the 2010 guidebook, a couple doors down from L'Auila Nera. On a little sidestreet between Bra and Erbe. Sorry but can't remember the name of the place offhand.

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174 posts

We ate at a Rick Steves recommendation, Ristorante Torcolo, which is behind all the green-awninged places on Piazza Bra. Tiny street about a block behind. Also had one good lunch and one dinner at a place further down the same alley, but I can't remember the name. It was next door to a very pricey place that we skipped. There are good gelato places at the end of that alley on the crossing street.