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Vernazza too crowded in second half of September?

RS recommends Vernazza as a home base for CT, but others have commented that it's much too crowded. Will this be true the second half of September?

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1589 posts

define "too crowded " . Late Sept. is still very busy, but not nearly so as mid July- Aug.

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39 posts

Someone commented that it was like being in Disneyland. Good news that later in September is a little better. Would you agree with Steve?

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166 posts

Hi Lyn,

I was in the Cinque Terre last year mid-September, and would have to respectfully disagree with the comment you heard stating it was like being in Disneyland..

I have no basis for comparison (well, besides Disneyland), but I know that I never had to wait in lines at restaurants.. always got on the first train/boat without having to wait for another, and only passed about 5 other parties when doing some of the hikes (though that's probably because I opted to do them at 4pm in the blazing sun =) They are probably much more crowded in the morning when it is cooler and more preferable).

It's crowded because it's popular, but everywhere in Italy was crowded.. European cities/towns are just more populated than the US. I wouldn't stress about it. Have a good time!

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39 posts

Sounds like CT in September will be great. Thanks for your responses.

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3112 posts

I was in Vernazza 2nd half of September last year. The only somewhat crowded time was for a few hours one day when groups from a cruise ship were in town. On another note, definitely plan for a meal at Ristorante al Castello - good food and great views.

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632 posts

I guess it's all relative. We were there in late September...and it was a zoo, in comparison to Bellagio, Lucca, Santa Margarita Ligure, and Sestre Levanti. In fairness, Venice and Florence were zoo-like as well....I can vouch that the hill towns of Tuscany never had the crowds we saw in Vernazza, not even San Gimignano.

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19 posts

Well, I was hoping that the crowds started to go down after August as we will be traveling there the first week in September! Can anyone comment on how the crowds in the beginning of September compare? I live in Orlando, so I know Disney crowds!! Any input would be appreciated.

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711 posts

We are photographers and used Vernazza as a base in May and October of last year. During the day when the hikers come through, it was very crowded, more in May than October.After 4 o'clock most of the people clear out and in the evening it is lovely. We stay in Toninno Basso's rooms and wouldn't stay in
any other town.

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39 posts

That's good news. Thanks for your comments. Lyn