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Vernazza a/c in early July?

When booking in Vernazza for early July how essential is a room with a/c?

p.s. Can anyone tell me the best way to use the search function on this site? I was trying to see if this topic had already been discussed but wasn't successful just doing a normal search.

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6898 posts

A/C, like elevators, are not common in the CT. So even if you want A/C, its not everywhere. July can be quite warm. The one saving feature of the CT when it comes to heat is that the towns are on the water. You can get nice breezes.

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340 posts

We found the constant sea breeze in CT kept our room very comfortable, no AC needed. Most windows and french doors also have a set of shutters that can be closed and locked so that you can leave the windows open all night and still maintain privacy, be safe and catch the breeze. The buildings in CT are very old and most have thick walls that keep the inside cool even when it is hot outside. Keep in mind that window screen is a rarity in Italy. If you are concerned about mosquitoes (we have never had a problem with them on our trips) take along repellant wipes.

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28 posts


Thanks for posting, I had the same question. A/C didn't seem very common, but I didn't know if was something we should seek out in our accommodations. Sounds like we will be fine without it.