Having problems buying their discounted voucher on-line. We're going in July. Anybody else have this expereince? Thx
I don't recall having any problems buying the tickets. I used my VISA credit card. The only portion I found to be worth it was the transportation tickets. They were much cheaper to buy at Veniceconnected, and had to be picked up at the Santa Lucia Train station on arrival. The museum tickets were the same price as at the venues, and had to be picked up at a participating museum. Any more specifics on your difficulties?
Thanks Valarie. I tried my Visa and it worked. Just out of curiousity, did you take the Secret Itineraries tour at the Doges palace? Just wondering if we should do this or just walk the place on our own....
We did indeed take the Secret Itineraries tour, and it was very much worth it. I called the Doge Palace a couple of days before we wanted to tour and we paid an additional 10 Euros each for the tour. The best part was seeing how the ceiling of the huge assembly room was supported from above - magnificent feat of engineering!