I need directions to go from The train station in Venice to Don Orione. I think we want to do the WOW! route down the grand canal. We will be 9 people with our luggage arriving from Florence. The RS book recommends vaperotto #1, slow, 45 minutes to "tour" and sit in the front of the boat. Nigel mentioned I need stop Zattare to be 1 minute from Don Orione. However, I don't see Zattare mentioned in the RS book on the route they suggested from the train station. Can you help me with details and suggestions?
Check the vaporetto map online. You'll need to catch a different vaporetto. Also, I'd suggest checking Don Orione location on Google earth or Mappy or some similar site. I remember walking past that house and it's not on the Grand Canal; it's on the outer side of the island. My suggestion would be to get rid of your luggage and get settled, then do the Grand Canal tour.
If they want pizza and you find yourself near the Frari you could do much worse than Pizzeria Antico Panificio in
Campiello Del Sole - San Polo, 945. Campiello Del Sole is part of Campo San Polo. The nearest vaporetto is S.Toma and quite near to S. Silvestro. - = - If you are near the ghetto we have been reasonably happy with Pizzeria Trattoria Vesuvio, Sestiere Cannaregio, 1837. Its just at the beginning of Rio Tera Farsetti just above Rio Tera Leonardo which is part of the main drag between the station and Rialto/Saint Marks. - = - Plenty gelato, some actually pretty good. Those in the RS book are all pretty good. Just be aware that if you go to Grom ((yumm yumm yumm)) you may need to wire back to Tulsa for more money - let's just say they're not the cheapest in town but they are yumm. They have one on the main drag mentioned above just inland from the Ca'd'Oro vaporetto and traghetto stop. Another is in Dorsoduro in Campo Santa Barnaba.
Felicia the stop that Nigel suggested is the closest to the hotel but it is on the route that does not go down the Grand Canal. the accomodations are in Dorsoduro behind the Academia closer to the Guideca canal. So the fastest way to go would be to take the vaporetto that goes the opposite way from the Grand Canal route and then goes around the criuse port and down the Guideca canal. the stop is Zattere. However, if you really want to go down the Grand Canal you can. The stop on the Grand Canal route will be Accademia. It will involve a bit more walking but not too much more. At the Accadenia stop walk toward the Gallery and veer left to Rio Terà Foscarini which runs along the side of the Accademia Gallery. The website says the entrance will be on the right hand side at No. 909/a (in front of the S. Agnese church).
The dream of 9 people sitting up front on Vaporetto #1 especially with luggage will be hard to realize. Vaporettos run very crowded and most passengers stand. There is seating inside the small forward cabin and even less seating on the front outside. Still, it's something you must do. But first, I have a favor. When you exit the front of the train station and stand at the top of the steps for about 2-3 minutes and just watch. You will be looking at the Grand Canal. It will be everything you expected and nothing you understand (at least for awhile). For me, my world stopped for a couple of minutes. For Don Orione, it's closer to the Giudecca Canal than the Grand Canal. To get there on the No #1 vaporetto, you will need to get off at the Accademia stop. The No 1 vaporetto goes to Lido and not around the other side of the island. Plus, you will miss some of the best of the Grand Canal by getting off at Accademia. Or, you can take the No. 2 Vaporetto. The No. 2 is an "express" (it skips several stops) and it goes around the island. As it goes around to the Giudecca Canal side, get off at the Zattere stop. You'll be a lot closer than the Accademia stop. Also, note the nice restaurants along the canal there. Tasty stuff.
So, with the info I have, it seems we should take the faster vaperetto #2. Is it correct that it goes all the way down the grand canal and then wraps around the island to take us to the zattare stop? Seems we could at least see the impressive sites coming in and still get off at the easiest stop to get to our house. The RS book said something about a pass for a certain number of hours?? So, we can ride again if the girls want to. Also, it said something about walking to a stop before the train station to get a better seat. How far is this walk and is it worthwhile? We leave Florence about noon so I am hoping it is not the worst crowds when we arrive in Venice.
Ron pretty much has it down. A little more - you might want to reward one or two of the girls, or develop a list, so that if there is a seat or a couple up front they can go straight up without discussion. If they stop to discuss who will get it, nobody will because it will be gone. It is pure luck how many, if any, and which side may have any. Have a look at the photo http://www.virtualtourist.com/travel/Europe/Italy/Veneto/Venice-140867/Transportation-Venice-Vaporetto-BR-1.html#7 on a fantastic Virtual Tourist blog about Vaporettos You will see that the area front of the captain's wheelhouse is quite small, seating only a few. And only some of the boats have that seating. Have a read of that blog. Its really accurate. The walk from Accademia to the Don Orione is nearly twice as far as from Zattare, but you are talking 5-8 minutes instead of 2-3. Ron is right, it is on the right walking down from Accademia, a small glass door just after the Hotel Belle Arti. You have the Rick Steves' Guidebook to Venice, don't you? The Grand Canal ride (also available as a podcast or download and map) is what you will be doing. The ride down the Grand Canal on the number 1 will stop at: Riva de Biasio (some early and late boats miss out this stop) S. Marcuola S. Stae Ca'd'Oro Rialto Mercato Rialto S. Silvestro S. Toma
Ca'Rezzonico and Accademia. If you remember the reasons I suggested the 2 around the Guidecca Canal was because it would likely be less crowded and faster. It only stops 6 times and because the Guidecca Canal is not narrow it can go at top speed. The 5.1 route only stops twice, around the Guidecca. But if you want scenic and wow, its the number 1.
how long are you in Venice? You may want to consider having your group buy the Rolling Venice card. It is available at the Hellovenezia desks (should be one in the train station) and is for people from age 14 to 29. It costs 4 euro and gives some discounts to the holder. a good discount is that it allows the holder to purchase a 72 hour vaporetto pass for 18 euro instead of the normal 35 euros. A single ride is now up to 7 euro. http://www.hellovenezia.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=178&Itemid=158&lang=en http://www.actv.it/en/movinginvenice/prices
I do have the RS Venice book. I've read every word, highlighted, tagged, and am trying to learn the art history information. I also saw the grand canal tour. It seems we should get the discount ticket mentioned so we can ride several times. We arrive Venice on a thurs afternoon and leave on sat. afternoon for Verona and on to Salzburg. So, 2 nites and 1 full day. Our tentative schedule is Arrive thurs. afternoon, Grand canal in to room, check in, wonder around, eat gelato, get lost, hopefully find some good pizza, maybe gondola ride. friday morning early go to top of campanile, see st. marks basillica, and I'm trying to get tickets to the English doges palace secret passages tour at 11:30. then cross the bridge of sighs, then ??? we want to see Rialto bridge and market, we are seeing art museums in florence so probably not planning on art in Venice. I don't want to over schedule in Venice but if we happened on the church that holds the remains of the father of John the Baptist, that would be interesting, also, might want to see Hotel Danieli featured in the movie the tourist. a picnic would be good if we know where to find the market and where to stop for the picnic, the girls are interested in mask shopping and glass beads. unless someone thinks otherwise, i think we will mostly eat pizza and gelato in Venice.
I appreciate any ideas and suggestions for our time in Vencie
The Rialto markets, particularly the fish market, are much more active in the mornings than in the afternoons...
Thanks for all your help. wish you were going to be in Venice to be our guide. I know you and your lovely enjoy visiting Venice and seem to know it well.