Hoping some folks have suggestions for us.
The first part of our trip is Venezia,padova,Verona,Bellagio.
We are starting our trip in Venice – staying for 4 nights.
We would then like to travel to Padova (Scrovegni chapel, basilica of st. Anthony) and Verona (opera in the Roman theatre) on the way to Bellagio for 2 nights.
Trying to determine best way to accomplish.
1) train back and forth for day to Padova - leaving our bags at hotel - pick up bags n get rental car for balance of the trip. Stay overnight in Verona . Next am drive to Bellagio
- same as above but do boat day trip.
2) pick up car in Venice: day in Padova ( leave luggage in car) , drive to Verona for opera in pm. Next day tour Verona in am. Drive to Bellagio in pm.
3) train to Padova - leave luggage at bag check in the station (safe?) - visit Padova.
Train to Verona in time for pm opera. Sleep Verona. Visit Verona am. Pick up car and drive to Bellagio.
4) same as above but train to Bellagio and pick up car there ( have to researched car rental pick up there yet).
Thanks in advance for your recos!