Next summer I plan on visiting Italy in July. My plan was to fly to Venice as I have never been to Venice, but have been to Rome and Florence. After Venice I wanted to stay in Amalfi for 5 nights and then fly home from Rome. I know this is a long distance to go so it is worth the distance. I can stay in Venice for 5 nights and 5 nights in Amalfi and then a night in Rome to catch the plane. Is this plan wasting too much time. Does anyone have a better recommendation. How would you get from Venice to Amalfi. I thought if there was a direct train it might be nice seeing the countryside but could be totally wrong?
Trains don't go to Amalfi or anywhere on the Amalfi Coast.
When you see the mountains, cliffs, and hairpin turns on the Coast road you may understand why.
The nearest they go is to Salerno which is a city south of Napoli. Trains can be Venezia Santa Lucia to Roma, then a change to Salerno. Both legs will be high speed trains. Then it is either a bus or a ferry to Amalfi.
Or are you speaking of somewhere else on the Amalfi coast and just abbreviating?
Or you can go Venezia to Rome to Napoli, and then downstairs to the Circumvesuviana very slow commuter train (which passes both Herculaneum and Pompeii on the way) to Sorrento.
Note the similarity in name between Salerno and Sorrento, but they are at the opposite ends of the Amalfi peninsula. .
From Sorrento again you can take a bus or boat to Amalfi.
In addition to the Circumvesuviana between Napoli and Sorrento there are also boats across the Bay of Naples.
Amalfi from Venice is a good day's work.
Thanks for your answer. I was thinking of staying 5 nights in Positiano but I can see that to get there would not be too easy. The reason I wanted to go to Venice is I have never been there and have been to Rome and Florence. I am flying from Toronto and there are only direct flights to Rome or Venice. I really want to see the Amalfi Coast area any suggestions for an alternative city closer to Rome or Amalfi that would be interesting to see or is it worth it to see Venice even thought there is so much travel involved. I know these are really general questions, but just wondering from people who have done it before.
There is a direct train from Venezia S. Lucia-Napoli Centrale. It leaves at 10:25 gets into
Napoli Centrale at 15:35, 5H10m, cost for super economy is 44 E economy 69E. To get these prices
purchase early on Trenitalia. This service is available from both the train station and the airport. Cost is 25-40 E dependent on town. Time 1-1 1/2 hours.
Total time for the vaporetto, train including waiting for the shuttle...8H20m
If you want to fly, has 1-3 flights a day between these cities.
Flight time is 1H10m. Keep in mind you have to get to the airport and arrive at least 1 hour
before departure. If you use their Flexi fare, it includes your seat and luggage. Cost around 90E
Total time for vaporetto, bus, air, shuttle and wait time is 6H10m. Choices...
Have you looked into flying into Venice and out of Naples? Would save some travel back
to Rome.
There is an immense amount of history in the Amalfi Coast and the Naples area.
For an overview, look at the
You will have a great trip!
I am doing this same thing in April. Venice is my number one city ever - I love it and will be returning for my 4th visit. I'm taking the direct train down to Naples - it goes once a day but the departure times seem to vary by season. I am then heading straight to Positano. There's the train/bus combo people have mentioned above and there's also the Positano Shuttle, which costs 35 Euros and leaves right from the Naples train station. You have one other option, depending on how many are in your party - there are private rides for about 125 Euros per car...I noticed that the hotel I booked in Positano offers these transfers and many private drivers do as well.