Pam, We are staying at Hotel Campiello..Thanks to you and others who gave it thumbs up. Did I read that correct from your post? At the airport there is a dock to the boat? Do we take this one boat to our stop near the Hotel? Oh that sounds so easy..Almost too easy.
Another question we arrive 9:30AM on a Saturday I am sure it will be noon or later before we arrive at hotel. Do you think we would feel like taking a boat tour at 3:30 ? I thought sitting on boat might be better than a walking tour..I been hunting tours and running into the problem that the next day is Sunday and can't find tours on Sunday. Monday we need to leave for Padua to join our tour Village Italy at 5:00.. So I figure we need to be at hotel in Pauda maybe by 3:00 Last year we the did GAS tour and jet lag didn't really bother us.
"Hotel Campiello very easy to get to from the airport with no bridges to cross to get there. The dock for the Alilaguna airport boat is right near the entry to the street where the hotel is located which is easy to see on Googlemaps street view"