What is the best way to get from the aiport Marco Polo in Venice ITaly, to the city of Padua? Train? taxi? Which train station? St. Lucia or Mestre?
The airport is not in the city of Venice, but on the mainland. I took a bus from the airport to Padua last spring and it worked fine. As soon as I exited the controlled part of the airport, I asked at one of the transit desks immediately outside that exit, and they directed me to the right desk. The buses ran frequently, and it was maybe an hour bus ride, with lots of stops on the way. I got off at the train station in Padua and got a taxi to my hotel (since it was dark and I was jet lagged). I think the RS guide may describe how to find the bus. I'd guess the bus is easier than finding a train station, but I didn't look into the train. I certainly wouldn't spend money for a taxi from the airport; I'd guess it would be pretty expensive.
Great idea about asking for a bus at the airport. You might also ask if there's an express bus to Padova (the Italian name for Padua) that could get you there a little more quickly. Or just ride the local bus and enjoy the free tour.
When we did the village italy tour 2 years ago we used RS recommendation and took the bus to Padova which took one hour. At the bus station could not find a taxi and had to wonder over to the train station for a taxi which was close to the bus station.