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Venice in a few hours

Any suggestions? We will be stopping in Venice for one afternoon in between Florence and Munich. I would prefer to spend more time there, but when travelling with a group... So, to make the most of it - I would love to hear what you would do if you only had the afternoon (we arrive at 2:15pm and depart at 10:30pm)to spend in Venice. What is not to be missed???

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33 posts

I also forgot to ask about the train station lockers -- are there such a thing? Are they safe? I hope the answers are yes bec. even with packing light - it will be a long day carrying around that pack!!

Thanks for your help...

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453 posts

Kent's list is great, but of course (I'm sure he realizes) you won't be able to cover all of it. head straight for Saint Mark's square, visit the inside of Saint Mark's Basilica (get advance tickets), Doge's Palace (advance tickets), then take some time to just wander and your time will be up! Saint Mark's square after sunset is a treat with the orchestras playing. Also, before dark, try to get away from the crowded Saint Mark's square area for a few minutes.

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712 posts

From your question it sounds like you are traveling with a group. Is that correct? My sister traveled with a group through Italy. Their tour included a Gondola ride in their package. If yours does, be sure to take advantage of that. They also got them through St. Marks and then they were on their own for a few hours.

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705 posts

I pretty much agree with Susan but I would definately take the vaporetto down the Grand Canal to St Marks Square. The first time is just breathtaking and gives you a real feel for Venice. Also if you're with a group get a few together and take a gondola ride. Maybe a bit cheesy but you are in Venice. Do take some time just to wander the streets. Having a coffee or glass of wine listening to the orchestras/bands in St Marks Square as the sun is setting is hard to beat.

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33 posts

Thank you to everyone!! Great suggestions and I am glad to see that my top ideas were among the top sites recommended. I am excited for the trip and look forward to returning to Venice for a longer stay in the future.

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286 posts

It is magical to take the vaporetti in the evening or at night. The houses along the canal are meant to be enjoyed from the water!

Enjoy! 8 hours in Venice is better than none!