Has anyone come across one recently
How deep are your pockets? http://www.starwoodhotels.com/luxury/property/overview/index.html?propertyID=73&language=en_US
Even the Gritti Palace does not have balconies big enough on the Grand Canal, 1500 EUR a night not withstanding. I see the Palazzetto Pisani Grand Canal has a suite where you can get your breakfast by an open window overlooking the canal for a lot less. The Hotel Continental has tables on its dock on the Grand Canal where you can have your breakfast just off breakfast room. Better get up early to grab one.
Here is where you have breakfast at The Gritti http://www.thegrittipalace.com/gritti-terrace. Even if you don’t stay there sitting on that terrace and enjoying a meal or cocktail overlooking the Salute is a great experience.
I stayed at the Hotel Continental in May 2015, purely to have breakfast on their terrace!
It was great, and I recommend it.
It's along from the railway station, and the terrace is right on the Canal.