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Venice, Florence, and Rome - museums in November

This will be my first trip to Italy. All the RS literature recommends getting reservations for museums so as to avoid the long wait in the long lines. However, since my group is going in November, I wonder if it is necessary to make reservations. I have also read that by visiting museums late in the day, you can avoid the crowds. We are avoiding the crowds by going in November which is another reason for me to question if I really need to make reservations. Any recommendations? Thanks, Sue

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I've been in Florence at the tail end of October and the crowds are way down. I'd still make a reservation for the Uffizi (especially for a group) and I'd do it on-line from OH just to avoid the hassle. (FYI you must redeem your voucher reservation for actual tickets directly opposite the Uffizi's entrance.) Also, I'd go in the late morning or early afternoon for the light. The gallery itself is a work of art. Don't miss the Bapistry and again, go when the light is good. Dress is layers at it can be quite nippy. If truffles are on any menu try it. Fresh truffles are to mushrooms what a peach fresh off the tree is to a dried one. Yes, I am a foodie in need of intervention. Happy travels!