Where is Bacino San Marco? Do you need a boat to get to and from there. For example can one walk to the Piazza San Marco from there or do you need ride a boat? Thank you...
Suggest buying a map - and/or a guidebook with good maps. I found the Streetwise Venice map useful. Meanwhile you could try google maps.
Bacino is the Italian word for basin. My Michelin guide to Venice map shows it's the water just off St. Mark's Square. (I wouldn't recommend walking.)
Leonora - you'll need to be a bit more specific. As noted generally the Bacino San Marco refers to an area of the lagoon in front of the Doge's Palace entrance to Piazza San Marco. It is before the Grand Canal starts out continuing out to San Giorgio Maggiore on Guidecca. there are usually a few gondolas tied up close to San Marco. There are however, other bacino in Venice. There is a marina at the San Giorgio end of Guidecca that is called Bacino. You will also find the Bacino Stazione Marittima where the cruise ships dock.