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Venice crowed during Film Festival?

I was planing Venice around Sep 1 trough Sep 3 or Sep 3 to Sep 6 but I was reading there is a Film Festival during that time and I'm wondering if I should change the dates to avoid the crowd. Has anyone been there during this festival?

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401 posts

I think Venice is just crowded, period. There are maybe a few more VIPs around, a few more areas roped off, but otherwise I don't think the crowds change much. September is still high season.

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632 posts

We were there last year during the Film Festival and didn't notice any significant increase in the crowds. I think the real impact of the film festival is on Lido...that's were most of the activities are held.

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805 posts

I agree, Venice is ALWAYS crowded except maybe during the absolute dead of winter.

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3313 posts

The film festival does put extra pressure on hotel rooms, which are tight anyway. But the crowd is on the Lido.

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192 posts

The film festival crowds will only be on the Lido.
And the crowds in Venice are only there from 9 or 10 AM til 4 or 5 PM and only around the main tourist sites - St Marks, Rialto bridge. The rest of Venice is almost deserted and there is plenty to see. Go to St Marks Square after 5 and there are few people there - all the day trippers have left.